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Welcome to UTIA

The Institute of Information Theory and Automation (UTIA) is a public non-university research institution which administratively falls under the Czech Academy of Sciences. UTIA conducts fundamental and applied research in computer science, signal and image processing, pattern recognition, system science, and control theory. In addition to its research activities, UTIA is engaged in undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate education. It also publishes the journal Kybernetika and acts as a certified forensic expert institution. UTIA consists of eight scientific departments, computer centre, library, facility maintenance department and business administration department. UTIA is managed by the Director and the Board.

Pod Vodárenskou věží 4
CZ-182 00, Prague 8
Czech Republic

more info: here
phone:+420 286890298
email: utia (a)


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Prof. Ing. Vladimir Kucera, DrSc., Dr. h. c. is the Czech Academy of Sciences Emeritus Staffer and the emeritus member of the Department of Control Theory of our Institute. He was Director of our Institute 1990-1998 and long serving Research Fellow of the mentioned Department. More about the nomination on the website of the Government of the Czech Republic:

Milan Anderle was awarded the Best Paper Award 2021 for the outstanding full paper contribution (co-authors Prof. Sergej Čelikovský and Prof. Tomáš Vyhlídal) (Process Control ´21) by Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Institute of Information Engineering, Automation, and Mathematics. The award is granted in association with Optimal Control Labs.

Jitka Kostková, a former Ph.D student of Jan Flusser, was awarded by the Antonín Svoboda Award  2020 for the best Ph.D Thesis in Computer Science. The award is presented by the Czech Society for Cybernetics and Informatics (CSKI).

Workshop on Stochastics Informatics and Decision Making  - well known as Alšovice according to the traditional venue of many of the first meetings - is an annual workshop organized by members of the department of Stochastic Informatics of the Institute of Information Theory and Automation o

ZOI team Adam Novozámský, Aleš Zita, and Barbara Zitová were awarded the Best Paper 2020 in the category Basic Science in Journal of Voice, Elsevier (IF 1.9) -  Visual and Automatic Evaluation of Vocal Fold Mucosal Waves Through Sharpness of Lateral Peaks in High-Speed Videokymographic Images. Congratulations! 

Online workshop, 22-23 March 2021

The Nonlinear Meeting 2021 is the 6th of a series of annual workshops focusing on nonlinear analysis and differential problems. This edition's common thread will cover theoretical topics on reaction-diffusion equations and dynamical systems with possible applications to biology or physics.

For registration, schedule and additional information please visit the webpage of the event.

Rozhovory o stáži Otevřené vědy, vedené Janem Schierem, najdete na
stránkách Otevřené vědy (volně přístupný) a
Havlíčkobrodského Deníku (paywall). Studenti Jiří Wolker z

10.2. 2021 odešel náš dlouholetý a stálý zahraniční kolega Jaroslav Kautský. Ač zaměstnanec Flinders Univeristy v Adelaide, South Australia, v UTIA měl svůj stůl a své místo. Spoluautor mnoha publikací, ochotný rádce a glosátor světa okolo. V roce 2013 byly jeho zásluhy oceněny Akademií věd ČR Medailí Bernarda Bolzana za zásluhy v matematických vědách. Bude nám moc chybět.

UrbanSmartPark project final event will be organized on December 9 and 16, 2020. You can see live demonstration of automated on-street parking and services in the harbor area as well as the conception and provision of parking services.