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M. Šámal
Šámal M., Kárný Miroslav, Backfrieder W., Kletter K., Bergmann H.
Bayesian identification of compartment structures in dynamic scintigraphic data
Radioactive Isotopes in Clinical Medicine and Research, p. 123-129
, Eds: Bergmann H., Sinzinger H.,
(Basel 1995)
Advances in Pharmacological Sciences. [1995]
Heřmanská J., Kárný Miroslav, Jirsa Ladislav, Šámal M., Zemanová K., Křenek M., Zimák J., Vlček P.
Zlepšení předpovědi léčebné dávky dvoufázovým modelem kinetiky při léčbě karcinomů štítné žlázy pomocí 131I
Acta Radiobiologica vol.2, 1 (2001), p. 28-29 [2001]
Kárný Miroslav, Šámal M., Böhm Josef, Backfrieder W., Bergmann H.
Factor analysis of dynamic data: New algorithm finding a unique basis for factor space
Journal of Nuclear Medicine vol.38, 5 (1997), p. 209,
Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine /44./,
(San Antonio, US, 01.06.1997-05.06.1997) [1997]
Šmídl Václav, Kárný Miroslav, Šámal M., Backfrieder W., Szabo Z.
Smoothness prior information in principal component analysis of dynamic image data
Information Processing in Medical Imaging, p. 227-233
, Eds: Insana M. F., Leahy R. M.,
(New York 2001)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science. vol.2082 ,
International Conference IPMI 2001 /17./,
(Davis, US, 17.06.2001-22.06.2001) [2001]
Heřmanská J., Šámal M., Zimák J., Jirsa Ladislav, Kárný Miroslav
Prediction of absorbed therapeutic dose from short diagnostic measurements. Abstract
Conference Abstracts of XXIII Days of Radiation Protection, p. 7-9
, Eds: Losinská J.,
RPS of Czech Medical Association,
(Praha 2000)
Days of Radiation Protection /23./,
(Jáchymov, CZ, 28.11.2000-01.12.2000) [2000]
Zimák J., Heřmanská J., Jirsa Ladislav, Kárný Miroslav, Šámal M.
Tets of new tools for probabilistic evaluation of radiation load of patients. Abstract
Conference Abstracts of XXIII Days of Radiation Protection, p. 3-4
, Eds: Losinská J.,
RPS Czech Medical Association,
(Praha 2000)
Days of Radiation Protection /23./,
(Jáchymov, CZ, 28.11.2000-01.12.2000) [2000]
Heřmanská J., Kárný Miroslav, Zimák J., Jirsa Ladislav, Šámal M.
Předpověď terapeutické dávky zlepšeným modelem kinetiky 131I. Abstrakt
Dny nukleární medicíny s mezinárodní účastí. Abstrakta, p. 29,
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(České Budějovice, CZ, 27.09.2000-29.09.2000) [2000]
Heřmanská J., Kárný Miroslav, Zimák J., Jirsa Ladislav, Šámal M.
Improved Correspondence between Projected and Measured Doses of I-131 Using the New Kinetic Model. Abstract
Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, p. 917,
(Berlin 2000)
Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine,
(Paris, FR, 02.09.2000-06.09.2000) [2000]
Šámal M., Kárný Miroslav, Zahálka D.
Bayesian Identification of a Physiological Model in Dynamic Scintigraphic Data
Information Processing in Medical Imaging, p. 422-437
, Eds: Barrett H. H.,
(Berlin 1993)
Information Processing in Medical Imaging,
(Flagstaff, US, 14.06.1993-18.06.1993) [1993]
Šámal M., Kárný Miroslav, Zahálka D.
Identification and Parametrization of a Compartmental Model Using Factor Analysis
Radioactive Isotopes in Clinical Medicine and Research, p. 96-97
, Eds: Höfer R., Bergman H., Sinzinger H.,
(Stuttgart 1993)
Conference on Nuclear Medicine /20./,
(Badgastein, AT, 14.06.1992-18.06.1992) [1993]
Šámal M., Kárný Miroslav, Sůrová H.
Feature Extraction from NMR Images Using Factor Analysis
Proceedings of International Symposium on Tissue Characterization in MR Imaging, p. 280-285
, Eds: Pokkropek P. T.,
Springer Verlag,
(Heidelberg 1989)
International Symposium Tissue Characterization in MR Imaging,
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