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H. Bergmann
Šámal M., Kárný Miroslav, Backfrieder W., Kletter K., Bergmann H.
Bayesian identification of compartment structures in dynamic scintigraphic data
Radioactive Isotopes in Clinical Medicine and Research, p. 123-129
, Eds: Bergmann H., Sinzinger H.,
(Basel 1995)
Advances in Pharmacological Sciences. [1995]
Kárný Miroslav, Šámal M., Böhm Josef, Backfrieder W., Bergmann H.
Factor analysis of dynamic data: New algorithm finding a unique basis for factor space
Journal of Nuclear Medicine vol.38, 5 (1997), p. 209,
Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine /44./,
(San Antonio, US, 01.06.1997-05.06.1997) [1997]