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Conference Paper (Czech conference)

Motivatio for different characterization of Equivalent Persegrams

Kratochvíl Václav

: Proceedings ot the 12th Czech-Japan seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty, p. 67-78 , Eds: Novák Vilém, Pavliska Viktor, Štěpnička Martin

: Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision-Making under Uncertainty /12./, (Litomyšl, CZ, 24.09.2009-27.09.2009)

: CEZ:AV0Z10750506

: 2C06019, GA MŠk, 1M0572, GA MŠk, ICC/08/E010 Eurocores LogICCC, GA ČR, GA201/09/1891, GA ČR

: Compositional model, Equivalence problem, persegram

: for different characterization of equivalent persegrams.pdf

(eng): In this paper we give the motivation and introduction for indirect characterization of equivalence. We have found three operations on persegram remaining induced independence model. By combining them together, one can generate a class of equivalent models. We are not sure whether one can generate the whole class. This problem is closely connected with the above mentioned problem of invariant properties.

(cze): V článku se zabýváme motivací různých charakterizačních ekvivalentních persegramů.

: BA