Conference Paper (international conference)
Patch-based blind deconvolution with parametric interpolation of convolution kernels
, , ,
: Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ICIP 2013, p. 577-581
: International conference on image processing, ICIP 2013, (Melbourne, AU, 15.09.2013-18.09.2013)
: GA13-29225S, GA ČR
: blind deconvolution, space-variant convolution, interpolation
(eng): We propose a method for removal of space-variant blur from images predominantly degraded by camera shake without any knowledge of camera trajectory. Blurs are first estimated in a small number of image patches. We derive a novel parametric blur interpolation method and discuss conditions under which it can be used to exactly calculate blurs for every pixel position. Having this information, we restore the sharp image by a standard regularization technique. Performance of the proposed method is experimentally validated.
: JD