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Conference Paper (international conference)

Construction of multidimensional models by operators of composition: Curent state of art

Jiroušek Radim, Vejnarová Jiřina

: Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, p. 113-126 , Eds: Vejnarová J.

: VŠE, (Praha 2000)

: WUPES '2000. Workshop on Uncertainty Processing /5./, (Jindřichův Hradec, CZ, 21.06.2000-24.06.2000)

: AV0Z1075907

: GA201/98/1487, GA ČR, VS96008, MŠMT

(eng): This is a survey paper summarizing some of the main results that have been achieved during the last years in connection with development of an alternative approach to multidimensional distribution description. This approach is based on special operators of composition.

: 120

: BA