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Journal Article

Vectorized MATLAB Implementation of the Incremental Minimization Principle for Rate-Independent Dissipative Solids Using FEM: A Constitutive Model of Shape Memory Alloys

Frost Miroslav, Valdman Jan

: Mathematics vol.10,

: GA22-20181S, GA ČR, LTAUSA18199, GA MŠk, GF21-06569K, GA ČR

: vectorized FEM implementation, incremental minimization principle, dissipative solids, shape memory alloys

: 10.3390/math10234412


(eng): The incremental energy minimization principle provides a compact variational formulation for evolutionary boundary problems based on constitutive models of rate-independent dissipative solids. In this work, we develop and implement a versatile computational tool for the resolution of these problems via the finite element method (FEM). The implementation is coded in the MATLAB programming language and benefits from vector operations, allowing all local energy contributions to be evaluated over all degrees of freedom at once. The monolithic solution scheme combined with gradient-based optimization methods is applied to the inherently nonlinear, non-smooth convex minimization problem. An advanced constitutive model for shape memory alloys, which features a strongly coupled rate-independent dissipation function and several constraints on internal variables, is implemented as a benchmark example. Numerical simulations demonstrate the capabilities of the computational tool, which is suited for the rapid development and testing of advanced constitutive laws of rate-independent dissipative solids.

: JG

: 20302