Journal Article
Stochastic hyperplane-based ranks and their use in multivariate portmanteau tests
: Journal of Multivariate Analysis vol.204,
: GA21-05325S, GA ČR, GF22-01639K, GA ČR
: hyperplane, interdirection, lift-interdirection, multivariate rank, portmanteau test, robustness, signed-rank test
(eng): The article proposes and justifies an optimal rank-based portmanteau test of multivariate elliptical strict white noise against multivariate serial dependence. It is based on new stochastic hyperplane-based ranks that are simpler and easier to compute than other usable hyperplane-based competitors and still share with them many good properties such as their distribution-free nature, affine invariance, efficiency, robustness and weak moment assumptions. The finite-sample performance of the portmanteau test is illustrated empirically in a small Monte Carlo simulation study.
: BA
: 10103