Institute of Information Theory and Automation

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  1. Blažek Jan, Zitová Barbara, Tichý T., Vašutová V.Optical properties of historical paint pigments under near infrared (NIR) radiation , ACTA ARTIS ACADEMICA 2014, p. 35-41 , Eds: Hradil David, Hradilová Janka, mezioborová konference ALMA 2014, (Praha, CZ, 20.11.2014-21.11.2014) [2014] Download
  2. Blažek Jan, Soukup Jindřich, Zitová Barbara, Flusser Jan, Hradilová J., Hradil David, Tichý T.M3art: A Database of Models of Canvas Paintings , Digital Heritage. Progress in Cultural Heritage: Documentation, Preservation, and Protection. EuroMed 2014, p. 176-185, International Conference EuroMed 2014 /5./, (Limassol, GR, 03.11.2014-08.11.2014) [2014] Download DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-13695-0_17
  3. Beneš Miroslav, Zitová BarbaraComparative evaluation of image segmentation algorithms for microscopic cross-section samples , Proceedings of 18th International Microscopy Congress, p. 4183-4184, 18th International Microscopy Congress, (Prague, CZ, 07.09.2014-12.09.2014) [2014] Download
  4. Kuneš Michal, Blažek JanPole LED v matici 8x8, Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, AV ČR, (Praha 2013) Research Report 2343 [2013] Download
  5. Blažek Jan, Soukup Jindřich, Zitová Barbara, Flusser Jan, Tichý T., Hradilová J.Low-cost mobile system for multispectral cultural heritage data acquisition , Digital Heritage International Congress, p. 73-79, Digital Heritage 2013, (Marseille, FR, 28.10.2013-1.11.2013) [2013] Download
  6. Blažek Jan, Zitová Barbara, Flusser JanImage Fusion for Difference Visualization in Art Analysis , Digital Heritage International Congress, p. 653-656, Digital Heritage 2013, (Marseille, FR, 28.10.2013-1.11.2013) [2013] Download
  7. Blažek Jan, Hradilová J., Zitová Barbara, Kamenický JanOdhalování kopií pomocí matematického zpracování obrazu, část I: teoretická východiska a princip metody , ACTA ARTIS ACADEMICA 2012: KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN THE FINE ART, p. 141-147, mezioborová konference ALMA 2012 (4.), (Praha, CZ, 21.11.2012-22.11.2012) [2012]
2019-01-07 08:39