Tomáš Mazanec
- Mazanec Tomáš, Brothánek M. : FPGA implementace LMS a N-LMS algoritmu pro potlačení akustického echa , Akustické listy vol.10, 4 (2004), p. 9-13 [2004]
- Mazanec Tomáš : MIMO techniques for xDSL, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2011) Research Report 2305 [2011] Download
- Kloub Jan, Mazanec Tomáš, Heřmánek Antonín : Heterogeneous Platform for Stream Based Applications on FPGAs , Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications, p. 401-404, FPL 2011 International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (21th), (Chania, GR, 05.09.2011-07.09.2011) [2011] Download
- Mazanec Tomáš, Heřmánek Antonín, Kamenický Jan : Blind image deconvolution algorithm on NVIDIA CUDA platform , Proceedings of the 13th IEEE Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems, p. 125-126, The 13th IEEE Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems, (Vienna, AT, 14.04.2010-16.04.2010) [2010] Download
- Kloub Jan, Mazanec Tomáš, Heřmánek Antonín, Tichý Milan : DVB-T2 Receiver Prototype: Physical Layer, ( 2009) [2009]
- Heřmánek Antonín, Mazanec Tomáš, Tichý Milan : DVB-T2 Receiver: Physical Layer Simulator, ( 2009) [2009]
- Mazanec Tomáš : Simulator of ADSL Physical Layer , Technical computing Prague 2007. 15th annual conference proceedings, p. 1-10, Technical computing Prague 2007. 15th annual conference, (Praha, CZ, 14.11.2007-14.11.2007) [2007]
- Mazanec Tomáš, Heřmánek Antonín : Simulace ekvalizérů TEQ pro ADSL toolbox: výsledky experimentů, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2007) Research Report 2194 [2007]
- Mazanec Tomáš, Heřmánek Antonín : Simulátor fyzické vrstvy ADSL modemu, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2007) [2007]
- Mazanec Tomáš, Heřmánek Antonín : Simulace ADSL downstream přenosu Webová aplikace, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2007) [2007]
- Mazanec Tomáš, Heřmánek Antonín : ADSL - ekvalizační techniky, ÚTIA, (Praha 2007) Research Report 2184 [2007]
- Mazanec Tomáš : Advanced Algorithms for Equalization on ADSL Channel , Technical computing Prague 2006. 14th annual conference proceedings, p. 68-75 , Eds: Procházka A., Technical computing Prague 2006 /14./, (Prague, CZ, 26.10.2006) [2006]
- Mazanec Tomáš, Heřmánek Antonín, Matoušek Rudolf : Model of the transmission system of the reconnaissance system Orpheus , Technical Computing Prague 2005 : 13th Annual Conference Proceedings, p. 1-4 , Eds: Moler C., Procházka A., Walden B., MATLAB 05. Technical Computing 2005 /13./, (Praha, CZ, 15.11.2005) [2005]