L. Pardo
- Hobza Tomáš, Pardo L., Morales D. : Rényi statistics for testing equality of autocorrelation coefficients , Statistical Methodology vol.6, 4 (2009), p. 424-436 [2009] Download DOI: 10.1016/j.stamet.2009.03.001
- Hobza T., Pardo L., Vajda Igor : Robust median estimator in logisitc regression , Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference vol.138, 12 (2008), p. 3822-3840 [2008] Download DOI: 10.1016/j.jspi.2008.02.010
- Vajda Igor, Morales D., Pardo L. : On efficient estimation in continuous models based on finitely quantized observations , Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods vol.35, p. 1629-1653 [2006]
- Morales D., Pardo L., Vajda Igor : On the optimal number of classes in the Pearson goodness-of-fit tests , Kybernetika vol.41, 6 (2005), p. 677-698 [2005]
- Morales D., Pardo L., Pardo M. C., Vajda Igor : Rényi statistics for testing composite hypotheses in general exponential models , Statistics vol.38, 2 (2004), p. 133-147 [2004]
- Morales D., Pardo L., Vajda Igor : Asymptotic laws for disparity statistics in product multinomial models , Journal of Multivariate Analysis vol.85, 3 (2003), p. 335-360 [2003]
- Morales D., Pardo L., Pardo M. C., Vajda Igor : Limit laws for disparities of spacings , Journal of Nonparametric Statistics vol.15, 3 (2003), p. 325-342 [2003]
- Molina I., Morales D., Pardo L., Vajda Igor : On size increase for goodness of fit tests when observations are positively dependent , Statistics & Decisions vol.20, 4 (2002), p. 399-414 [2002]
- Menéndez M. L., Pardo L., Vajda Igor : Minimum disparity estimators for discrete and continuous models , Applications of Mathematics vol.46, 6 (2001), p. 439-466 [2001]
- Menéndez M. L., Morales D., Pardo L., Vajda Igor : Approximations to powers of phi-disparity goodness-of-fit tests , Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods vol.30, 1 (2001), p. 105-134 [2001]
- Menéndez M. L., Morales D., Pardo L., Vajda Igor : Minimum divergence estimators based on grouped data , Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics vol.53, 2 (2001), p. 277-288 [2001]
- Morales D., Pardo L., Pardo M. C., Vajda Igor : Extension of the Wald statistic to models with dependent observations , Metrika vol.52, 2 (2000), p. 97-113 [2000]
- Morales D., Pardo L., Vajda Igor : Rényi statistics in directed families of exponential experiments , Statistics vol.34, 1 (2000), p. 151-174 [2000]
- Menéndez M. L., Morales D., Pardo L., Vajda Igor : Inference about stationary distributions of Markov chains based on divergences with observed frequencies , Kybernetika vol.35, 3 (1999), p. 265-280 [1999]
- Menéndez M. L., Morales D., Pardo L., Vajda Igor : Two approaches to grouping of data and related disparity statistics , Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods vol.27, 3 (1998), p. 609-633 [1998]
- Menéndez M. L., Morales D., Pardo L., Vajda Igor : Asymptotic distributions of phi-divergences of hypothetical and observed frequencies on refined partitions , Statistica Neerlandica vol.52, 1 (1998), p. 71-89 [1998]
- Menéndez M. L., Morales D., Pardo L., Vajda Igor : Testing in stationary models based on divergences of observed and theoretical frequencies , Kybernetika vol.33, 5 (1997), p. 465-475 [1997]
- Morales D., Pardo L., Vajda Igor : Some new statistics for testing hypotheses in parametric models , Journal of Multivariate Analysis vol.62, 1 (1997), p. 137-168 [1997]
- Menéndez M. L., Morales D., Pardo L., Vajda Igor : About divergence-based goodness-of-fit tests in the Dirichlet-multinomial model , Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods vol.25, 5 (1996), p. 1119-1133 [1996]
- Morales D., Pardo L., Vajda Igor : Divergence between various estimates of quantized information sources , Kybernetika vol.32, 4 (1996), p. 395-407 [1996]
- Morales D., Pardo L., Vajda Igor : Uncertainty of discrete stochastic systems: General theory and statistical inference , IEEE Transactions on Systems. Man and Cybernetics. Part A: Systems and Humans vol.26, 6 (1996), p. 681-697 [1996]
- Morales D., Pardo L., Vajda Igor : Asymptotic divergence of estimates of discrete distributions , Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference vol.48, 6 (1995), p. 347-369 [1995]
- Menéndez M. L., Morales D., Pardo L., Vajda Igor : Divergence-based estimation and testing of statistical models of classification , Journal of Multivariate Analysis vol.52, 2 (1995), p. 329-354 [1995]
- Hobza Tomáš, Morales D., Pardo L. : Testing equality of autocorrelation coefficients in multivariate normal models, Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche, (Elche 2007) Research Report 15 [2007]
- Hobza Tomáš, Pardo L., Vajda Igor : Robust Median Estimator in Logistic Regression, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2006) Internal Publication 2006/31 [2006]
- Hobza Tomáš, Pardo L. : On Robustness of Median Estimator in Bernoulli Logistic Regession , Prague Stochastics 2006, p. 396-406 , Eds: Hušková M., Janžura M., Prague Stochastics 2006, (Prague, CZ, 21.08.2006-25.08.2006) [2006]
- Hobza T., Pardo L., Vajda Igor : Robust Median Estimators in General Logistic Regression, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2005) Internal Publication 2005/40 [2005]
- Morales D., Pardo L., Vajda Igor : On Efficient Estimation in Continuous Models Based on Finitely Quantized Observations, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2005) Internal Publication 2005/27 [2005]
- Hobza Tomáš, Pardo L., Vajda Igor : Median Estimators of Parameters of Logistic Regression in Models with Discrete or Continuous Responses, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2004) Research Report 2124 [2004]
- Morales D., Pardo L., Vajda Igor : Digitalization of observations permits efficient estimation in continuos models , Soft Methodology and Random Information Systems, p. 315-322, International Conference on Soft Methods in Probability and Statistics /2./, (Oviedo, ES, 02.09.2004-04.09.2004) [2004]
- Pardo M. C., Pardo L., Vajda Igor : Testing Homogeneity of Independent Samples from Arbitrary Models, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2004) Research Report 2104 [2004]
- Menéndez M. L., Morales D., Pardo L., Vajda Igor : Minimum divergence estimation and testing in case of empirically quantized observations , Prague Stochastics '98. Proceedings, p. 391-396 , Eds: Hušková M., Lachout P., Víšek J. Á., JČMF, (Praha 1998) , Prague Stochastics '98, (Praha, CZ, 23.08.1998-28.08.1998) [1998]
- Morales D., Pardo L., Vajda Igor : Divergence statistics for testing composite hypotheses , Prague Stochastics '98. Proceedings, p. 419-423 , Eds: Hušková M., Lachout P., Víšek J. Á., JČMF, (Praha 1998) , Prague Stochastics '98, (Praha, CZ, 23.08.1998-28.08.1998) [1998]
- Morales D., Pardo L., Vajda Igor : Testing Simple and Composite Hypotheses in Convergent Exponential Families, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1998) Research Report 1922 [1998]
- Fabián Zdeněk, Morales D., Pardo L., Vajda Igor : Testing in Exponential Families by Means of the Rényi Distances , Prague Stochastics'98, p. 137-142 , Eds: Hušková M., Lachout P., Víšek J. Á., Prague Symposium on Asymptotic Statistics /6./, Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions and Random Processes /13./, (Praha, CZ, 23.08.1998-28.08.1998) [1998]
- Menéndez M. L., Morales D., Pardo L., Vajda Igor : About Parametric Estimation and Testing Based on Sample Quantiles, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1997) Research Report 1899 [1997]
- Morales D., Pardo L., Vajda Igor : About the Behaviour of Rényi's Divergence Statistics under Null Composite Hypotheses, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1996) Research Report 1870 [1996]
- Menéndez M. L., Morales D., Pardo L., Vajda Igor : About Phi-Divergence Goodness-of-Fit Tests in the Dirichlet-Multinomial Model, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1995) Research Report 1846 [1995]