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Jan Šindelář

  1. Šindelář Jan, Knížek JiříOn unequally spaced AR(1) process , Kybernetika vol.39, 1 (2003), p. 13-27 [2003]
  2. Šindelář Jan, Boček PavelKolmogorov complexity and probability measures , Kybernetika vol.38, 6 (2002), p. 729-745 [2002]
  3. Šindelář JanVariational Theorems in Gnostical Theory of Uncertain Data , Kybernetika vol.31, 1 (1995), p. 65-82 [1995]
  4. Šindelář JanOn L-estimators viewed as M-estimators , Kybernetika vol.30, 5 (1994), p. 551-562 [1994]
  5. Lachout Petr, Studený Milan, Šindelář JanOn set-valued measures , Informatica vol.4, p. 21-44 [1993]
  6. Šindelář JanModels in Gnostical Theory , International Journal of General Systems vol.21, 3 (1993), p. 365-378 [1993]
  7. Kramosil Ivan, Šindelář JanA Note on the Law of Iterated Logarithm from the Viewpoint of Kolmogorov Program Complexity , Problems of Control and Information Theory vol.16, 6 (1987), p. 399-409 [1987]
  8. Kramosil Ivan, Šindelář JanComputational Complexity of Probabilistic Searching Algorithms over Herbrand Universes , Computers and Artificial Intelligence vol.4, 2 (1985), p. 97-108 [1985]

  1. Šindelář JanRobust Bayesian auto-regression model , Proceedings of Abstracts of the 6th. International Conference on Data - Algorithms - Decision Making, p. 53-53, 6th International Workshop on Data–Algorithms–Decision Making, (Jindřichův Hradec, CZ, 2.12.2010-4.12.2010) [2010] Download
  2. Šindelář JanPrediction and optimal trading in U.S. commodity markets , Abstracts of Contributions to 5th International Workshop on Data-Algorithms-Decision Making, p. 36-36 , Eds: Janžura Martin, Ivánek Jiří, 5th International Workshop on Data-Algorithms-Decision Making, (Pilsen, CZ, 29.11.2009-01.12.2009) [2009] Download
  3. Šindelář JanStudy of a BVAR(p) process applied to U.S. commodity market data , Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, WCSET 2009, p. 424-435 , Eds: Ardil Cemal, International Conference on Operational Research and Financial Engineering 2009, (Benátky, IT, 28.10.2009-30.10.2009) [2009] Download
  4. Šindelář JanConstruction of multi-step ahead predictions in a normal BVAR(p) model using Monte Carlo sampling , Proceedings of the 10th International PhD Workshop on Systems and Control, p. 1-5 , Eds: Hofman Radek, Šmídl Václav, Pavelková Lenka, 10th International PhD Workshop on Systems and Control, Young Generation Viewpoint, (Hluboká nad Vltavou, CZ, 22.09.2009-26.09.2009) [2009] Download
  5. Kozmík V., Šindelář JanExternal information in prediction of commodity prices, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2008) Research Report 2233 [2008] Download
  6. Šindelář Jan, Kárný MiroslavAdaptive Control Applied to Financial Market Data , Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of Doctoral Students - WDS 2007, p. 1-6, Week of Doctoral Students 2007, (Praha, CZ, 05.06.2007-08.06.2007) [2007] Download
  7. Šindelář JanAdaptive Decision Making in Finance, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2007) [2007]
  8. Šindelář Jan, Kárný MiroslavAdaptive Control Applied to Financial Market Data , Advanced Mathematical Methods for Finance 2007, p. 1-6, Advanced Mathematical Methods for Finance, (Vídeň, AT, 17.09.2007-22.09.2007) [2007] Download
  9. Šindelář Jan, Knížek JiříOn Gnostical Distribution Functions, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2003) Research Report 2074 [2003]
  10. Šindelář Jan, Knížek JiříOn Weighted Orthogonal Functions Applied in Linear Regression Model, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2002) Research Report 2059 [2002]
  11. Šindelář Jan, Knížek JiříOn Discrete Unequally Spaced AR(1) Process, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2002) Research Report 2061 [2002]
  12. Šindelář JanPříklady a úvahy z teorie pravděpodobnosti a statistiky, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2000) Research Report 2000 [2000]
  13. Šindelář Jan, Kárný Miroslav, Nedoma PetrControlling Value of f-information. Multivariate Case, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1998) Research Report 1927 [1998]
  14. Šindelář Jan, Kárný MiroslavAn algorithm decreasing mutual information , Preprints of the 3rd European IEEE Workshop on Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Data Processing, p. 253-258 , Eds: Rojíček J., Valečková M., Kárný M., Warwick K., ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1998) , CMP '98 /3./, (Praha, CZ, 07.09.1998-09.09.1998) [1998]
  15. Kárný Miroslav, Šindelář Jan, Valečková MarkétaTowards Bayesian pooling of probabilistic controllers , Preprints of the 3rd European IEEE Workshop on Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Data Processing, p. 19-24 , Eds: Rojíček J., Valečková M., Kárný M., Warwick K., ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1998) , CMP '98 /3./, (Praha, CZ, 07.09.1998-09.09.1998) [1998] Download
  16. Tůma J., Šindelář JanManuál k systému Pyrostatika postupného zážehu. Verze 2.1, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1997) Research Report 1917 [1997]
  17. Šindelář Jan, Kárný MiroslavDynamic Decision Making Under Uncertainty Allows Explicit Solution, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1997) Research Report 1916 [1997]
  18. Šindelář Jan, Boček PavelAre there safe Monte-Carlo methods? , Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing, p. 39-46 , Eds: Kulhavá L., Kárný M., Warwick K., ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1994) , IEEE Workshop CMP '94, (Praha, CZ, 07.09.1994-09.09.1994) [1994]
  19. Šindelář Jan, Boček PavelKolmogorov Complexity and the Law of the Interated Logarithm, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1994) Research Report 1796 [1994]
  20. Šindelář Jan, Boček PavelOn Kolmogorov complexity of infinite sequences, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1993) Research Report 1761 [1993]
  21. Šindelář JanFundamental Properties of Real Computers , Mutual Impact of Computing Power and Control Theory, p. 135-150 , Eds: Kárný M., Warwick K., Plenum Press, (New York 1993) , IFAC Workshop on the Mutual Impact of Computing Power and Control Theory, (Prague, CZ, 01.09.1992-02.09.1992) [1993]
  22. Šindelář JanNecessary Conditions in Theory of M-Estimators, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1993) Research Report 1759 [1993]
  23. Šindelář JanOptimality Principles in Gnostical Theory of Uncertain Data, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1993) Research Report 1760 [1993]
  24. Šindelář JanGnostical Models of Quantification under Uncertainty , Modelling and Simulation of Systems, p. 343-347 , Eds: Štefan J., House of Technology, (Ostrava 1993) Acta MOSIS vol.51 , Moravo-Silesian International Symposium on Modelling and Simulation of Systems /5./, (Olomouc, CZ, 01.06.1993-04.06.1993) [1993]
  25. Šindelář JanFundamental Properties of Real Computers , IFAC Workshop on Mutual Impact of Computing Power and Control Theory. MICC '92, p. 77-84 , Eds: Kárný M., Warwick K., ÚTIA ČSAV, (Prague 1992) , IFAC Workshop on Mutual Impact of Computing Power and Control Theory. MICC '92, (Praha, CS, 01.09.1992-02.09.1992) [1992]
  26. Šindelář JanA Note on Kolmogorov Complexity and Martin-Löf Tests , Transactions of the Eleventh Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes, p. 357-360 , Eds: Víšek J. Á., Academia, (Prague 1992) , Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes /11./, (Prague, CS, 27.08.1990-31.08.1990) [1992]
  27. Lachout Petr, Studený Milan, Šindelář JanOn Set-Valued Measures, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Praha 1992) Research Report 1741 [1992]
  28. Šindelář JanOn psí-functions on L-estimators, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Praha 1991) Research Report 1716 [1991]
  29. Šindelář JanTeorie měření a gnostická teorie dat, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Praha 1990) Research Report 1658 [1990]
  30. Šindelář JanAlgebraické a geometrické vlastnosti párových čísel, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Praha 1990) Research Report 1659 [1990]