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T. Tichý

  1. Kopa Miloš, Tichý T.No-Arbitrage Condition of Option Implied Volatility and Bandwidth Selection , The Anthropologist: international journal of contemporary and applied studies of man vol.17, 3 (2014), p. 751-755 [2014] Download

  1. Bělinová Z., Tichý T., Přikryl Jan, Cikhardtová K.Smarter traffic control for middle-sized cities using adaptive algorithm , 2015 Smart Cities Symposium Prague (SCSP) , Eds: Jeřábek Michal, Krčál Jan, SCSP 2015. Smart Cities Symposium Prague, (Prague, CZ, 20150624) [2015] Download DOI: 10.1109/SCSP.2015.7181545
  2. Tichý T., Kopa Miloš, Vitali S.The Bandwidth Selection in Connection to Option Implied Volatility Extraction , Proceedings of the 12th International Conference Liberec Economic Forum 2015, p. 201-208 , Eds: Kocourek Aleš, 12th International Conference Liberec Economic Forum 2015, (Liberec, CZ, 16.09.2015-17.09.2015) [2015] Download
  3. Blažek Jan, Zitová Barbara, Tichý T., Vašutová V.Optical properties of historical paint pigments under near infrared (NIR) radiation , ACTA ARTIS ACADEMICA 2014, p. 35-41 , Eds: Hradil David, Hradilová Janka, mezioborová konference ALMA 2014, (Praha, CZ, 20.11.2014-21.11.2014) [2014] Download
  4. Blažek Jan, Soukup Jindřich, Zitová Barbara, Flusser Jan, Hradilová J., Hradil David, Tichý T.M3art: A Database of Models of Canvas Paintings , Digital Heritage. Progress in Cultural Heritage: Documentation, Preservation, and Protection. EuroMed 2014, p. 176-185, International Conference EuroMed 2014 /5./, (Limassol, GR, 03.11.2014-08.11.2014) [2014] Download DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-13695-0_17
  5. Blažek Jan, Soukup Jindřich, Zitová Barbara, Flusser Jan, Tichý T., Hradilová J.Low-cost mobile system for multispectral cultural heritage data acquisition , Digital Heritage International Congress, p. 73-79, Digital Heritage 2013, (Marseille, FR, 28.10.2013-1.11.2013) [2013] Download
  6. Přikryl Jan, Tichý T., Bělinová Z., Kapitán J.Comparison by Simulation of Different Approaches to Urban Traffic Control , Abstracts of Transport Systems Telematics 2012, p. 76-76, 12th International Conference on Transport Systems Telematics 2012, (Katowice, PL, 10.10.2012-13.10.2012) [2012] Download
  7. Tichý T., Nagy Ivan, Homolová JitkaOptimalizace řízení dopravy měst. Abstrakt , ITS '05 Prague. Sborník abstraktů, p. 1-2, Sdružení pro dopravní telematiku ČR, (Praha 2005) , Mezinárodní konference ITS '05 Prague, (Praha, CZ, 22.03.2005-23.03.2005) [2005] Download