Přejít k hlavnímu obsahu


J. Orozco-Mora

  1. Rehák Branislav, Orozco-Mora J., Čelikovský Sergej, Ruiz-León J.Real-Time Error-Feedback Output Regulation of Nonhyperbolically Nonminimum Phase System , Proceedings of the 2007 Americal Control Conference, p. 3789-3794, ACC 2007, (New York City, US, 11.07.2007-13.07.2007) [2007]
  2. Rehák B., Orozco-Mora J., Čelikovský Sergej, Ruiz-León J.Femlab-based output regulation of nonhyperbolically nonminimum phase system and its real-time impementation , Preprints of the 16th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, p. 1-6 , Eds: Horáček P., Šimandl M., Zítek P., IFAC, (Prague 2005) , IFAC World Congress /16./, (Prague, CZ, 03.07.2005-08.08.2005) [2005]