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Ondřej Horáček

  1. Horáček Ondřej, Kamenický Jan, Flusser JanRecognition of partially occluded and deformed binary objects , Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns. CAIP 2005 vol.3691, - (2005), p. 415-422, Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns /11./, (Versailles, FR, 05.09.2005-08.09.2005) [2005] Download

  1. Horáček Ondřej, Bican Jakub, Kamenický Jan, Flusser JanImage Retrieval for Image Theft Detection , Computer Recognition Systems, p. 44-51 , Eds: Kurzynski Marek, Computer Recognition Systems, (Wroclaw, PL, 22.10.2007-15.10.2007) [2007] Download
  2. Horáček Ondřej, Flusser JanImage database designed for fast and robust image search , Doktorandské dny 2007, p. 67-74, Doktorandské dny 2007, (Praha, CZ, 16.11.2007) [2007]
  3. Horáček OndřejRecognition of Partially Occluded Objects After Affine Transformation , Doktorandské dny 2006; sborník workshopu doktorandů FJFI oboru Matematické inženýrství , Eds: Ambrož P., Masáková Z., Doktorandské dny 2006, (Praha, CZ, 10.11.2006) [2006]
  4. Kamenický Jan, Horáček Ondřej, Flusser JanPolygonal Approach to Recognition of Partially Occluded Binary Objects , Information Optics, p. 346-353 , Eds: Cristobal G., International Workshop on Information Optics. WIO'06 /5./, (Toledo, ES, 05.06.2006-07.06.2006) [2006]
  5. Kamenický Jan, Horáček Ondřej, Flusser JanPolygonal Approach to Recognition of Partially Occluded Binary Objects , Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Information Optics, p. 3-4 , Eds: Cristóbal G., Javidi B., Vallmitjana S., International Workshop on Information Optics. WIO'06 /5./, (Toledo, ES, 05.06.2006-07.06.2006) [2006]