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Multichannel blind restoration of images with space-variant degradations

Šorel Michal

: MFF UK, (Praha 2007)

: CEZ:AV0Z10750506

: 1M0572, GA MŠk

: deblurring, space-variant restoration, motion blur, out-of-focus blur, blind deconvolution

: http://library.utia.cas.cz/separaty/2014/ZOI/sorel-0086541.pdf

(eng): In this thesis, we cover the related problems of image restoration and depth map estimation from two or more space-variantly blurred images of the same scene in situations, where the extent of blur depends on the distance of scene from camera. This includes out-of-focus blur and the blur caused by camera motion. The latter is typical when photographing in low-light conditions. Both out-of-focus blur and camera motion blur can be modeled by con- volution with a spatially varying point spread function (PSF). There exist many methods for restoration with known PSF. In our case, the PSF is un- known as it depends on depth map of the scene and camera motion. Such a problem is ill-posed if only one degraded image is available. We consider multichannel case, when at least two images of the same scene are available, which gives us additional information that makes the problem tractable.

(cze): Práce se zabývá problémem současné rekonstrukce obrazu a hloubkové mapy z dvou a více rozmazaných obrazů. Uvažujeme situace, kdy míra rozmazání závisí na vzdálenosti od kamery, např. rozmazání pohybem kamery nebo defokuzací. V případě pohybu kamery uvažujeme speciální případ, kdy se kamera pohybuje v jedné rovině kolmé na optickou osu a nerotuje. Navržené algoritmy pracují pro monochromatické i barevné obrazy.

: JD