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Database Cathy - longitudinal follow-up of thyroid cancer patients

Vejvalka J., Pejcha T., Vlček P., Křenek M., Jirsa Ladislav

: ( 2008)

: CEZ:AV0Z10750506

: 1M0572, GA MŠk, 1ET100750404, GA AV ČR

: database, thyroid cancer, longitudinal follow-up, sonographic examination, biochemical examination, dosimetry, histological examination

(eng): For almost 50 years, thyroid cancer cases in the Clinic of Nuclear Medicine (now Clinic of Endocrinology and Nuclear Medicine) of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine / Faculty Hospital Motol in Prague have been recorded. The database was started as a database of paper cards, containing basic data about thyroid cancer cases treated in the clinic since 1959. The basic structure of the database has remained the same since the early years; with the arrival of new techniques and new investigations (sonography, immunology etc.), some data fields have been added; also the meaning of some of them has changed, an example of such a change being the changing definition of the international TNM classification for thyroid cancer. The database today contains data about cca 9200 cases. Since 1994, an electronic patient record system has been used in the clinic, gathering data for routine patient management; the paper card database, however, has been continued.

(cze): Data pacientů s karcinomem štítné žlázy jsou sbírána od roku 1959. V současnosti (leden 2008) jsou v elektronické podobě data 7136 pacientů ze sledovaných 9200. Je vedena i databáze zemřelých pacientů (přes 1000). Databáze obsahuje data z biometrických, biofyzikálních, biochemických, dozimetrických, histologických, sonografických a jiných vyšetření a je v ní uložena kompletní historie léčby na klinice.

: FD