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Research Report

Cooperation Methods in Bayesian Decision Making with Multiple Participants – Draft of Ph.D. Thesis

Kracík Jan

: ÚTIA A ČR, (Praha 2008)

: Research Report 2232

: CEZ:AV0Z10750506

: 1ET100750401, GA AV ČR, GA102/08/0567, GA ČR, 1M0572, GA MŠk

: cooperation, Bayesian decision making, multiple participants

: http://library.utia.cas.cz/separaty/2008/AS/kracik-cooperation%20methods%20in%20bayesian%20decision%20making%20with%20multiple%20participants.pdf

(eng): This work has its origin in the GAAV project 1ET100750401 BADDYR – Bayesian Adaptive Distributed Decision Making – solved in the Department of Adaptive Systems in the Institute of Information Theory and Automation in years 2004-2007. The objective of the BADDYR project was to develop a theoretical and algorithmic background for a distributed decision making with multiple Bayesian decision makers. The results of the BADDYR project are further developed in the GAˇCR project 102/08/0567 – Fully probabilistic design of dynamic decision strategies. This work contributes to these projects by a design of methods for communication of the decision makers.

(cze): Tato práce vznikla v rámci projektů zabývajícími se bayesovským rozhodováním s více účstníky. Tato práce navrhuje postupy komunikace mezi účastníky rozhodování.

: BB