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Conference Paper (Czech conference)

Implementation of Sliding Mode Control in SIMULINK 4.1 (R12.1)

Belda Květoslav

: Sborník příspěvků 9.ročníku konference MATLAB 2001, p. 9-13 , Eds: Procházka A., Uhlíř J.

: VŠCHT, (Praha 2001)

: MATLAB 2001 /9./, (Praha, CZ, 11.10.2001)

: AV0Z1075907

: GA101/99/0729, GA ČR, 300104412, IG ČVUT

: http://library.utia.cas.cz/separaty/historie/belda-0410685.pdf

(eng): The paper briefly introduces Sliding Mode Control (SMC) of the planar redundant parallel robot. This type of the robots seems to be one of the promising ways to solve the problems of accuracy and speed. The main goal is presentation of using MATLAB-SIMULINK environment verion 4.1 (R12.1) for simulation of such control of the robot. Implementation is accomplished by combination of S-Function and ordinary Function, both programmed in C code as mex Functions.

: 09I

: BC