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Journal Article

Sample and population exponents of generalized Taylor’s law

Giometto A., Formentin Marco, Rinaldo A., Cohen J., Maritan A.

: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America vol.112, 25 (2015), p. 7755-7760

: GAP201/12/2613, GA ČR

: fluctuation scaling, multiplicative growth, power law, environmental stochasticity, Markovian environment

: 10.1073/pnas.1505882112

: http://library.utia.cas.cz/separaty/2015/SI/formentin-0444162.pdf

(eng): Taylor’s law (TL) states that the variance V of a nonnegative random variable is a power function of its mean M; i.e., V =aM^b. TL has been verified extensively in ecology, where it applies to population abundance, physics, and other natural sciences. Its ubiquitous empirical verification suggests a context-independent mechanism. Sample exponents b measured empirically via the scaling of sample mean and variance typically cluster around the value b=2. Some theoretical models of population growth, however, predict a broad range of values for the population exponent b pertaining to the mean and variance of population density, depending on details of the growth process. Is the widely reported sample exponent b=2 the result of ecological processes or could it be a statistical artifact? Here, we apply large deviations theory and finite-sample arguments to show exactly that in a broad class of growth models the sample exponent is b=2 regardless of the underlying population exponent.

: BA