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Journal Article

Computations of Quasiconvex Hulls of Isotropic Sets

Heinz S., Kružík Martin

: Journal of Convex Analysis vol.24, 2 (2017), p. 477-492

: GA14-15264S, GA ČR, GAP201/12/0671, GA ČR

: quasiconvexity, isotropic compact sets, matrices

: http://library.utia.cas.cz/separaty/2017/MTR/kruzik-0474874.pdf

(eng): We design an algorithm for computations of quasiconvex hulls of isotropic compact sets in in the space of 2×2 real matrices. Our approach uses a recent result by the first author [Adv. Calc. Var. 8 (2015) 43--53] on quasiconvex hulls of isotropic compact sets in the space of 2×2 real matrices. We show that our algorithm has the time complexity of O(N log N) where N is the number of orbits of the set. Finally, we outline some applications of our results to relaxation of L-ifnifitive variational problems.

: BA

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