Conference Paper (international conference)
Producer's Best Response in Pay-as-clear Electricity Market with Uncertain Demand
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: Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on New Technologies (NewTech'19)
: World Congress on New Technologies (NewTech'19) /5./, (Lisabon, PT, 20190818)
: GA17-08182S, GA ČR, GA18-04145S, GA ČR
: Nash equilibria, uncertainty, Independent System Operator (ISO)
(eng): In this work, we are particularly focused on several sources of uncertainty in (pay-as-clear) electricity markets. To deal with stochastic demand we employ the so-called chance constrained formulations of the problem [1] of the ISO as well as the problem of each producer. In detail, the ISO minimizes the production cost using a value-at-risk (VaR) approach, thus hedging against discrepancies between estimated and real electricity demand. Similarly, in the day-ahead market, each producer is hedging against the uncertainty of his own prediction of the demand using VaR approach again. In such a setting we aim at determining the “best response” of a given producer, i.e. the bid maximizing its profit.
: BA
: 10101