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Journal Article

Hidden Conflicts of Belief Functions

Daniel Milan, Kratochvíl Václav

: International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems vol.14, 1 (2021), p. 438-452

: GA19-04579S, GA ČR

: Belief function, Internal conflict, Conflict between belief functions, Hidden conflict, Auto-conflict, Non-conflictness

: 10.2991/ijcis.d.201008.001

: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0318871

(eng): In this paper, hidden conflicts of belief functions are observed in the case where the sum of all multiples of the conflicting belief masses equals zero. Degrees of hidden conflicts and a degree of non-conflictness are defined and analyzed, including full non-conflictness. The notion of a hidden conflict extends the traditional approach to conflicts of belief functions. A hidden conflict between two belief functions is distinguished from internal hidden conflict(s) of the individual belief function(s). Upper bounds for both degrees of hidden conflict of two belief functions and degrees of hidden internal conflict of a belief function are presented, together with other properties of both types of hidden conflicts. The presented results include the relationship of hidden conflicts and of Martin's auto-conflicts together with an extended overview of properties of auto-conflicts. Finally, computational issues of hidden conflicts and non-conflictness are presented.

: IN

: 10201