Conference Paper (international conference)
Control Principles of Autonomous Mobile Robots Used in Cyber-Physical Factories
: Proceedings of the 2021 23rd International Conference on Process Control (PC), p. 96-101 , Eds: Paulen R., Fikar M.
: International Conference on Process Control 2021 /23./, (Štrbské Pleso, SK, 20210601)
: mobile robot, TCP/IP communication, dynamic modeling, simulation, real-time experiments
(eng): This paper introduces control principles and means applied to industrial mobile robots. These robots are a solution for batch processing of handling operations over longer distances, unlike conventional conveyor belts. They spread in cyber-physical factories in accordance with the concepts of Industry 4.0. Specific mobile robot Robotino by Festo company is considered. The principles are introduced in relation to used communication. It is realized wirelessly using WiFi and TCP/IP protocol standard. The communication is in compliance with other machines such as industrial stationary robots or technological workplaces that form basis of currently developing concept of autonomous automatic cyber-physical factories.
: JD
: 20204