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Conference Paper (international conference)

Simulation of non-pharmaceutical interventions in an agent based epidemic model

Vidnerová Petra, Neruda Roman, Suchopárová Gabriela, Berec L., Diviák T., Kuběna Aleš Antonín, Levínský René, Šlerka J., Šmíd Martin, Trnka J., Tuček V., Vrbenský Karel, Zajíček Milan

: Proceedings of the 21st Conference Information Technologies – Applications and Theory (ITAT 2021), p. 263-268 , Eds: Brejová B., Ciencialová L., Holeňa M., Mráz F., Pardubská D., Plátek M., Vinař T.

: ITAT 2021: Information Technologies - Applications and Theory /21./, (Heľpa, SK, 20210924)

: TL04000282, GA TA ČR

: agent based modelling, epidemic modelling, non-pharmaceutical interventions

: https://ics.upjs.sk/~antoni/ceur-ws.org/Vol-0000/paper12.pdf

(eng): The standard SEIR equation-based models represent the state-of-the-art approach in epidemiological modelling. Their drawbacks include unrealistic infection-related contact estimates and difficulties in modelling nonpharmaceutical interventions, such as contact reductions or partial closures. In this paper, we present our agent-based model that addresses the above-mentioned issues. It works with a population of individuals (agents) and their contacts are modelled as a multi-graph social network according to real data based on a Czech county. Custom algorithmic procedures simulating testing, quarantine and partial closures of various contact types are implemented. The model can serve as a tool for relative comparison of the efficacy of various policies. It was also used for a study comparing various interventions in Czech primary and secondary schools, using a graph based on real data from a selected Czech school.

: IN

: 10201