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Cryptoassets: Pricing, Interconnectedness, Mining, and their Interactions

Identification Code
Project Focus
Project Type (EU)
Publications ÚTIA
The project focuses on analysis of specific aspects of cryptoassets (cryptocurrencies), specifically on three main branches of research. First, we study the cryptoassets pricing mechanisms, mainly with respect to their fundamental factors such as number of users, number of transactions, traded volume, and others. The core models will be constructed utilizing the quantity theory of money and Metcalfe's law. Second, we focus on relations, interconnections and causality among cryptoassets with respect to their characteristics. Such characteristics comprise underlying technologies, mining procedures, and, for tokens, underlying coins. And third, we analyze aspects of the cryptomining industry and procedures, its dynamics, influence on pricing and connections to coins with respect to their mining algorithms. Connecting these three areas will allow answering relevant complex questions, which are in detail explored in the project proposal.
Submitted by kristoufek on