Institute of Information Theory and Automation

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Soutěž o nejlepší studentskou práci z teoretické ekonomie a ekonometrie 2010

V 16. ročníku Soutěže o nejlepší studentskou vědeckou práci z teoretické ekonomie a ekonometrie za rok 2010 získali 3. místo Jozef Baruník a Ladislav Krištoufek za práci "Hurst exponent estimation under heavy-tailed distribution".  

2018-05-02 13:36

Ekonometrický den 2010

V listopadu 2010 se konal v ÚTIA Ekonometricky den, jehož organizátorem je Česká ekonometrická společnost. Kromě Valné hromady ČES, byla na programu přednáška vítězné práce Soutěže o nějlepší studentskou vědeckou práci z teoretické ekonomie a ekonometrie za rok 2010, Branda M.: Performations of chance constrained problems. A jako host vystoupil guvernér ČNB, Miroslav Singer: Makroekonomický a měnový vývoj v ČR a prognóza ČNB.
2011-01-18 15:59

Application-oriented projects

In general, research activities in the department are always motivated by real-world application. Projects listed on this page are those that goes beyonds academic considerations and actually implemented the developed algorithms in real environment. List of theoretical projects is available here

List of former application-oriented projects

2011-01-28 15:54

Clusters of Research Oriented Activities

Bayesian Dynamic Decision Making

Dynamic decision making (DM) maps knowledge into DM strategy, which ensures reaching DM aims.

2011-02-15 19:16

Financial Econometrics

Field characteristic

A research in the financial econometrics is on the cutting edge of the current research. Financial markets have very complex nature and cannot be easily understood using simple, tractable models. Thus the financial markets are investigated from the various perspectives.

2019-10-05 13:51

Stochastic optimization

Stochastic Programming

Research in this field has more than forty-year tradition in our department. Stochastic programming problems are studied both theoretically and with respect to practical applications. Presently, the group focuses on the following areas:

2019-10-05 13:37

Fuzzy approach and uncertainty processing

Field characteristic

Theory of copulass and aggregation operators

2011-01-31 15:25


Field characteristic


2015-01-21 10:23
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