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Welcome to UTIA

The Institute of Information Theory and Automation (UTIA) is a public non-university research institution which administratively falls under the Czech Academy of Sciences. UTIA conducts fundamental and applied research in computer science, signal and image processing, pattern recognition, system science, and control theory. In addition to its research activities, UTIA is engaged in undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate education. It also publishes the journal Kybernetika and acts as a certified forensic expert institution. UTIA consists of eight scientific departments, computer centre, library, facility maintenance department and business administration department. UTIA is managed by the Director and the Board.

Pod Vodárenskou věží 4
CZ-182 00, Prague 8
Czech Republic

more info: here
phone:+420 286890298
email: utia (a)


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Místo konání: Pod Vodárenskou věží 4, Praha 8
Datum a doba otevření: 7. a 8. listopadu, 9:00 až 16.00,
Kontakt: Dr. Ing. Lubomír Soukup, tel.: 266 052 551, e-mail:

Prosíme návštěvníky o oznámení jejich zájmu o exkurzi s předstihem alespoň den předem.

více informací
obhajil dne 6. října 2011 v 17:00 hod na FSV UK, Opletalova 26 doktorskou disertační práci na téma Wavelet-based Realized Variation and Covariation Theory

The 2011 Outstanding Statistical Application Award of American Statistical Association has been presented to Miroslav Kárný and his co-authors A. Raftery (University of Washington) and P. Ettler (Compureg s.r.o.). This award recognises "extending Bayesian methods for model uncertainty to temporally evolving systems and showing how these ideas can be successfully applied to solving a challenging problem in a continuous manufacturing system."

Miroslav Kárný and his co-authors A.Raftery (University of Washington) and P.Ettler (Compureg s.r.o.) were selected to receive the Frank Wilcoxon Prize for their paper: “Online prediction under model uncertainty via dynamic model averaging: application to a cold rolling mill” that appeared in the February 2010 issue of Technometrics. The Wilcoxon Prize is given to the best practical application paper appearing in the previous year's Technometrics.

With regret we have to announce that Prof. Milan Mareš, our colleague and a former director of the Institute, passed away suddenly on July 25, 2011. His death came as an unexpected and heavy loss. We will miss him as a great scientist and as a dear colleague and friend.

The Award of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic for outstanding results of major scientific importance in 2011 was received by a team of authors from the Institute of Information Theory and Automation. The team led by prof. Ing. Michal Haindl, DrSc. consisting of: Ing. J. Filip, Ph.D, Ing. J. Grim, CSc., RNDr. Vojtech Havlicek, Ph.D, and Ing. M. Hatka was awarded for the scientific outcome: Mathematical modeling of visual properties of surface materials.

Mr. Sergej Čelikovský has been promoted by the President of the Czech Republic Mr. Václav Klaus to a professorship in Technical cybernetics. The ceremony occurred in the Carolinum’s pride on Friday, 24th June 2011
obhájil dne 22. 4. 2011 doktorskou práci "Spatially invariant systems: modelling, analysis and control via polynomial technique" na Fakultě elektrotechnické ČVUT a 21. 6. 2011 byl promován doktorem (Ph.D.).
PhDr. Jozef Baruník získal první místo v 17. ročníku Souteže o nejlepší studentskou vědeckou práci z teoretické ekonomie a ekonometrie 2011, pořádané Českou ekonometrickou společností, za práci "Decomposing volatility using wavelet-based realized variation". Dvě 3. místa, udělila porota za práce Ing. Petra Veverky "Infinite horizon maximum principle for the discounted control problem", a RNDr. Petra Zahradníka "Some interesting properties of the Cox–Ingersoll-Ross process". Všichni ocenění jsou zaměstnanci ÚTIA, AV ČR, oddělení Ekonometrie.