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P. Picard

  1. Picard P., Lafay J. F., Kučera VladimírFeedback realization of nonsingular precompensators for linear systems with delays , IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control vol.42, 6 (1997), p. 848-852 [1997]

  1. Picard P., Lafay J. F., Kučera VladimírModel matching for linear systems with delays , Preprints of the 13th World Congress of IFAC, p. 183-188 , Eds: Gertler J. J., Cruz J. B., Peshkin M., IFAC, (San Francisco 1996) , World Congress of IFAC /13./, (San Francisco, US, 30.06.1996-05.07.1996) [1996]
  2. Picard P., Lafay J. F., Kučera VladimírFeedback realization of precompensators for linear systems with delays , Proceedings of the 34th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, p. 2035-2040 , Eds: Peshkin M., IEEE, (New York 1995) , IEEE Conference on Decision and Control /34./, (New Orleans, US, 13.12.1995-15.12.1995) [1995]