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Prototype, methodology, f. module, software

Floating Point Accelerator Families bce_fp01_1x1_0_plbw_v1_|10|20|30|_a bce_fp01_1x2_0_plbw_v1_|10|20|30|40|_a for Xilinx Spartan3 DSP 1800 Board and Petalogix Petalinux-v0.40-final

Kadlec Jiří

: ( 2009)

: CEZ:AV0Z10750506

: 1M0567, GA MŠk, 027611, ECEC

: Nonvolatile Field Programable Gate Array, Embedded uCLinux, Floating point accelerator

(eng): This application note describes parameters and use of an HW demonstrator, designed to demonstrate two floating point accelerator families designed in UTIA. Pre-installed system demonstrates use of four instances of bce_fp01_1x2_|0|1|2|3|_plbw_v1_40_a accelerator on PLB_v46 bus of the Xilinx MicroBlaze soft-core processor on Spartan 3a_dsp FPGA.

(cze): Demonstrátor dokladuje parametry a použití dvou rodin akcelerátorů výpočtu v plovoucí řádové čárce na obvodu FPGA 3SD1800a.

: JC