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Conference Paper (international conference)

Evaluation of Screening Mammograms by Local Structural Mixture Models

Grim Jiří, Lee G. L.

: Stochastic and Physical Monitoring Systems SPSM 2012, p. 51-61

: Stochastic and Physical Monitoring Systems, (Zlenice near Prague, CZ, 25.06.2012-30.06.2012)

: GAP403/12/1557, GA ČR, GA102/08/0593, GA ČR

: Screening mammography, Texture information, Local statistical model, Log-likelihood image, Structural Gaussian mixture

: of screening mammograms by local structural mixture modelsr.pdf

(eng): We consider the recently proposed evaluation of screening mammograms by local statistical models. The model is defined as a joint probability density of inside grey levels of a suitably chosen search window. We approximate the model density by a mixture of Gaussian densities. Having estimated the mixture parameters we calculate at all window positions the corresponding log-likelihood values which can be displayed as grey levels at the respective window centers. The resulting log-likelihood image closely correlates with the original mammogram and emphasizes the structural details. In this paper we try to enhance the log-likelihood images by using structural mixture model capable of suppressing the influence of noisy variables.

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