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Journal Article

Characteristic imsets for learning Bayesian network structure

Hemmecke R., Lindner S., Studený Milan

: International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.53, 9 (2012), p. 1336-1349

: 1M0572, GA MŠk, GA201/08/0539, GA ČR

: learning Bayesian network structure, essential graph, standard imset, characteristic imset, LP relaxation of a polytope

: 10.1016/j.ijar.2012.04.001


(eng): In this paper we introduce a new unique vector representative, called the characteristic imset, obtained from the standard imset by an affine transformation. Characteristic imsets are (shown to be) zero-one vectors and have many elegant properties, suitable for intended application of linear/integer programming methods to learning BN structure. They are much closer to the graphical description; we describe a simple transition between the characteristic imset and the essential graph, known as a traditional unique graphical representative of the BN structure. In the end, we relate our proposal to other recent approaches which apply linear programming methods in probabilistic reasoning.

: BA