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Journal Article

Characterization of inclusion neighbourhood in terms of the essential graph

Studený Milan

: International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.38, 3 (2005), p. 283-309

: CEZ:AV0Z10750506

: GA201/04/0393, GA ČR, IAA1075104, GA AV ČR

: learning Bayesian networks, inclusion neighbourhood, essential graph


(eng): The motivation of the problem solved in the paper is learning Bayesian networks. Neighbouring equivalence classes of a given equivalence class of Bayesian networks in the sense of so-called inclusion neighbourhood are characterized efficiently in terms of the respective standard representative of the equivalence class, which is named the essential graph.

(cze): Motivace řešeného problému je učení Bayesovských sítí. Jsou charakterizovány sousední třídy ekvivalence dané třídy ekvivalence Bayesovských sítí ve smyslu inclusion-okolí a to v termínech standardního reprezentanta oné třídy ekvivalence, nazývaného esenciální graf.

: 12A

: BA