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Conference Paper (international conference)

Optimal Decoupling Controllers for Singular Systems

Kučera Vladimír

: Proceedings of the 2013 European Control Conference (ECC) Zürich, Switzerland, p. 306-311

: The 2013 European Control Conference (ECC 2013), (Zürich, CH, 17.07.2013-19.07.2013)

: TE01020197, GA TA ČR

: Linear systems, Singular systems, Decoupling

(eng): The problem of decoupling a singular, linear, and time-invariant system by dynamic compensation into multi-input multi-output subsystems is studied. The set of all controllers that decouple the system and render it regular, proper and stable is determined in parametric form. Optimal and suboptimal decoupling controllers are then obtained by an appropriate selection of the parameters.

: BC