Conference Paper (international conference)
Cell Segmentation Using Level Set Methods with a New Variance Term
, ,
: Image Analysis and Recognition : 13th International Conference, ICIAR 2016, p. 183-190
: International Conference Image Analysis and Recognition 2016, (Póvoa de Varzim, PT, 20160713)
: GA13-29225S, GA ČR, 914813/2013, GA UK, 2016-260332, SVV
: segmentation, level set method, active contours, phase contrast microscopy
: 10.1007/978-3-319-41501-7_21
(eng): We present a new method for segmentation of phase-contrast microscopic images of cells. The algorithm is based on the variational for-mulation of the level set method, i.e. minimizing of a functional, which describes the level set function. The functional is minimized by a gradi-ent ow described by an evolutionary partial dierential equation. The most signicant new ideas are initialization using thresholding and the introduction of a new term based on local variance that speeds up con-vergence and achieves more accurate results. The proposed algorithm is applied on real data and compared with another algorithm.
: JD