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Journal Article

A simple rank-based Markov chain with self-organized criticality

Swart Jan M.

: Markov Processes and Related Fields vol.23, 1 (2017), p. 87-102

: GAP201/12/2613, GA ČR, GA15-08819S, GA ČR

: self-reinforcement, self-organized criticality, canyon


(eng): We introduce a self-reinforced point processes on the unit interval that appears to exhibit self-organized criticality, somewhat reminiscent of the well-known Bak-Sneppen model. The process takes values in the finite subsets of the unit interval and evolves according to the following rules. In each time step, a particle is added at a uniformly chosen position, independent of the particles that are already present. If there are any particles to the left of the newly arrived particle, then the left-most of these is removed. We show that all particles arriving to the left of p_c = 1 - e^{-1} are a.s. eventually removed, while for large enough time, particles arriving to the right of p_c stay in the system forever.

: BA

: 10101