Přejít k hlavnímu obsahu



  1. Čelikovský SergejOn the Stabilization of the Homogeneous Bilinear Systems , Systems and Control Letters vol.21, 6 (1993), p. 503-510 [1993]
  2. Vaněček Antonín, Čelikovský SergejWrapped Eigenstructure of Chaos , Kybernetika vol.29, 1 (1993), p. 73-79 [1993]

  1. Vaněček Antonín[Recenze] , Automatica vol.30, 2 (1994), p. 369-370 [1994]
  2. Čelikovský SergejTopological Linearization of Nonlinear Systems: Applications to the Nonsmooth Stabilization , Proceedings of the Second European Control Conference, p. 41-44 , Eds: Nieuwenhuis J. W., Praagman C., Trentelman H. L., IFAC, (Groningen 1993) , ECC '93 /2./, (Groningen, NL, 28.06.1993-01.07.1993) [1993]