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  1. Vaněček Antonín, Čelikovský SergejNovým paradigmatem deterministického chaosu jsou jeho kladné vlastnosti. , Chaos, věda a filosofie, p. 227-244 , Eds: Nosek J., Filosofia, (Praha 1999) [1999]
  2. Mareš Milan, Mesiar RadkoCalculation over verbal quantities , Computing with Words in Information/Intelligent Systems 1. Foundations, p. 409-427 , Eds: Zadeh L. A., Kacprzyk J., PhysicaVerlag, (Heidelberg 1999) Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing. vol.33 [1999]
  3. Mareš Milan, Mesiar RadkoVagueness of verbal variables , Soft Computing in Financial Engineering, p. 3-20 , Eds: Ribeiro R. A., Zimmermann H.-J., Yager R. R., Kacprzyk J., Springer, (Heidelberg 1999) Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing. vol.28 [1999]
  4. Mareš MilanSharing vague profit in fuzzy cooperation , Soft Computing in Financial Engineering, p. 51-69 , Eds: Ribeiro R. A., Zimmermann H.-J., Yager R. R., Kacprzyk J., Springer, (Heidelberg 1999) Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing. vol.28 [1999]
  5. Mareš MilanUmělá inteligence se dobře prodává , Manažerské rozhledy 97. Sborník odborných článků, p. 22-28, Fakulta managementu JU, (Jindřichův Hradec 1997) [1997]
  6. Roubíček TomášRelaxation of optimal control problems coercive in Lp-spaces , Modelling and Optimization of Distributed Parameter Systems, p. 270-277 , Eds: Malanowski K., Namorski Z., Peszynska M., Chapman & Hall, (London 1996) [1996]
  7. Nedoma PetrALIEN: Object Oriented Programming in MATLAB ver. 4, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1996) [1996]

  1. Darbellay Georges A., Wuertz D.The entropy as a tool for analysing statistical dependences in financial time series , Physica. A : Statistical Mechanics and its Applications vol.287, p. 429-439 [2000]
  2. Bakule Lubomír, Rodellar J., Rossell J. M.Generalized selection of complementary matrices in the Inclusion Principle , IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control vol.45, 6 (2000), p. 1237-1243 [2000]
  3. Grim JiříSelf-organizing maps and probabilistic neural networks , Neural Network World vol.10, 3 (2000), p. 407-415 [2000]
  4. Mareš MilanMetoda kritické cesty s vágními délkami činností , Acta Oeconomica Pragensia vol.8, 2 (2000), p. 48-59 [2000]
  5. Roubíček TomášOn noncooperative nonlinear differential games , Kybernetika vol.35, 4 (1999), p. 487-498 [1999]
  6. Mareš MilanSuperadditivity in fuzzy extensions of coalition games , Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications vol.16, 6 (1999), p. 109-116 [1999]
  7. Kárný MiroslavContribution of Václav Peterka to adaptive control theory and practice , International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing vol.13, 6 (1999), p. 423-431 [1999]
  8. Michálek JiříThe Rényi distances of Gaussian measures , Kybernetika vol.35, 3 (1999), p. 352-333 [1999]
  9. Derviz AlexisGeneralized asset return parity and the exchange rate in a financially open economy , Bulletin of the Czech Econometric Society vol.6, 10 (1999), p. 67-102 [1999]
  10. Slačálek JiříFinancial time series and their volatility: A survey , Bulletin of the Czech Econometric Society vol.6, 10 (1999), p. 57-66 [1999]
  11. Grim Jiří, Vejvalková J.An iterative inference mechanism for the probabilistic expert system PES , International Journal of General Systems vol.27, p. 373-396 [1999]
  12. Mareš MilanAdditivities in fuzzy coalition games with side-payments , Kybernetika vol.35, 2 (1999), p. 149-166 [1999]
  13. Henrion D., Šebek MichaelAn efficient numerical method for the discrete-time symmetric matrix polynomial equation , IEE Proceedings. Control Theory and Applications vol.145, 5 (1998), p. 443-448 [1998]
  14. Kárný Miroslav, Šámal M., Böhm JosefRotation to physiological factors revised , Kybernetika vol.34, 2 (1998), p. 171-179 [1998] Download
  15. Händel P., Tichavský PetrAsymptotic noise gain of polynomial predictors , Signal Processing vol.62, 2 (1997), p. 247-250 [1997]
  16. Colaneri P., Kučera VladimírThe model matching problem for periodic discrete-time systems , IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control vol.42, 10 (1997), p. 1472-1476 [1997]
  17. Kárný Miroslav, Šámal M., Böhm Josef, Backfrieder W., Bergmann H.Factor analysis of dynamic data: New algorithm finding a unique basis for factor space , Journal of Nuclear Medicine vol.38, 5 (1997), p. 209, Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine /44./, (San Antonio, US, 01.06.1997-05.06.1997) [1997]
  18. Händel P., Tichavský PetrFrequency rate estimation at high SNR , IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing vol.45, 8 (1997), p. 2101-2105 [1997]
  19. Kružík Martin, Roubíček TomášExplicit characterization of Lp-Young measures , Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications vol.198, p. 830-843 [1996]
  20. Ruiz-León Javier J., Zagalak Petr, Eldem V.On the Morgan problem with stability , Kybernetika vol.32, 5 (1996), p. 425-441 [1996]
  21. Hušková MarieEstimation of a change in linear models , Statistics & Probability Letters vol.26, 1 (1996), p. 13-24 [1996]
  22. Roubíček TomášRelaxation of vectorial variational problems , Mathematica Bohemica vol.120, 4 (1995), p. 411-430 [1995]

  1. Somol Petr, Pudil Pavel, Grim JiříBranch & Bound algorithm with partial prediction for use with recursive and non-recursive criterion forms , Advances in Pattern Recognition - ICAPR 2001. Proceedings, p. 425-434 , Eds: Singh S., Murshed N., Kropatsch W., Springer, (Heidelberg 2001) Lecture Notes in Computer Science. vol.2013 , ICAPR /2./, (Rio de Janeiro, BR, 11.03.2001-14.03.2001) [2001] Download
  2. Nagy IvanRozhodování a řízení v dopravě. Část II. Identifikace a řízení, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2001) Research Report 2022 [2001] Download
  3. Paclík P., Novovičová JanaNumber of components and initialization in Gaussian mixture model for pattern recognition , Artificial Neural Nets and Genetic Algorithms. Proceedings, p. 406-409 , Eds: Kůrková J., Neruda R., Kárný M., Steele N. C., Springer, (Wien 2001) , International Conference on Artificial Neural Nets and Genetic Algorithms /5./, (Prague, CZ, 22.04.2001-25.04.2001) [2001]
  4. Vošvrda MiloslavAn uncertainty principle in economics , Proceedings of the International Conference on Quantatative Methods in Economics. (Multiple Criteria Decision Making X), p. 155-159, University of Economics, (Bratislava 2000) , Quantitative Methods in Economics, (Stará Lesná, SK, 30.11.2000-02.12.2000) [2000]
  5. Bakule LubomírRobust decentralized control of large scale systems , Sborník příspěvků 8. ročníku konference MATLAB 2000, p. 16-26, VŠCHT, (Praha 2000) , MATLAB 2000 /8./, (Praha, CZ, 01.11.2000) [2000]
  6. Somol Petr, Pudil PavelOscillating search algorithms for feature selection , Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, p. 406-409 , Eds: Sanfeliu A., Villanueva J. J., Vanrell M., IEEE Computer Society, (Los Alamitos 2000) , International Conference on Pattern Recognition /15./, (Barcelona, ES, 03.09.2000-07.09.2000) [2000] Download
  7. Darbellay G. A., Tichavský PetrIndependent component analysis through direct estimation of the mutual information , Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation. Proceedings, p. 69-74 , Eds: Pajunen P., Karhunen J., IEEE Signal Processing Society, (Helsinki 2000) , ICA 2000. /2./, (Helsinki, FI, 19.06.2000-22.06.2000) [2000]
  8. Grim Jiří, Kittler J., Pudil Pavel, Somol PetrCombining multiple classifiers in probabilistic neural networks , Multiple Classifier Systems, p. 157-166 , Eds: Kittler J., Roli F., Springer, (Berlin 2000) Lecture Notes in Computer Science. vol.1857 , First International Workshop MCS 2000, (Cagliari, IT, 21.06.2000-23.06.2000) [2000]
  9. Mareš MilanFuzzy Shapley value , Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-based Systems. Proceedings, p. 1368-1372, CSIC, (Madrid 2000) , IPMU '2000 /8./, (Madrid, ES, 03.07.2000-07.07.2000) [2000]
  10. Henrion D., Šebek MichaelAn algorithm for polynomial matrix factor extraction , Proceedings of the Conference on Decision and Control IEEE 1999, p. 1-17, IEEE, (Phoenix 1999) , IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 1999, (Phoenix, US, 07.12.1999-10.12.1999) [1999]
  11. Klimešová Dana, Saic StanislavPower spectrum evaluation and texture classification , Statistical Methods for Image Processing, p. 40-42, University of Uppsala, (Uppsala 1999) , Statistical Methods for Image Processing, (Uppsala, SE, 06.08.1999-09.08.1999) [1999]
  12. Vošvrda MiloslavVolatility and uncertainty on capital markets , Future of the Banking after the Year 2000 in the World and in the Czech Republic. Proceedings, p. 9-17, OPF SU, (Karviná 1999) , International Conference Future of the Banking, (Karviná, CZ, 20.10.1999-21.10.1999) [1999]
  13. Klimešová DanaGeografické informační systémy jako nástroj pro rozhodování , Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference: Agrarian Prospects VIII, p. 630-633, PEF ČZU, (Praha 1999) , International Scientific Conference: Agrarian Prospects /8./, (Praha, CZ, 23.09.1999-24.09.1999) [1999]
  14. Bůcha JindřichOn Efficiency of Learning: A Framework. Version 1.0, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1999) Research Report 1969 [1999]
  15. Kárný Miroslav, Nagy IvanDynamic Bayesian Decision-making: Part I, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1999) Research Report 1971 [1999]
  16. Grim JiříA sequential modification of EM algorithm , Classification in the Information Age. Proceedings, p. 163-170 , Eds: Gaul W., Locarek-Junge H., Springer, (Berlin 1999) Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization. , Annual GfKl Conference /22./, (Dresden, DE, 04.03.1998-06.03.1998) [1999] Download
  17. Mareš MilanConvexity of fuzzy coalition games , Proceedings of the 1999 Eusflat-Estylf Joint Conference, p. 375-379 , Eds: Mayor G., UIB Palma de Mallorca, (Palma de Mallorca 1999) , Eusflat-Estylf Joint Conference, (Palma de Mallorca, ES, 22.09.1999-25.09.1999) [1999]
  18. Mareš MilanBalancedness in fuzzy coalition games , Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics '99, p. 183-187 , Eds: Plešingr J., VŠE, (Praha 1999) , Mathematical Methods in Economics '99 /17./, (Jindřichův Hradec, CZ, 14.09.1999-16.09.1999) [1999]
  19. Paclík Pavel, Novovičová Jana, Pudil Pavel, Somol PetrRoad sign classification using the Laplace kernel classifier , Proceedings of the 11th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, p. 275-282 , Eds: Bjarne K. E., Peter J., Pattern Recognition Society Denmark, (Lyngby 1999) , SCIA '99 /11./, (Kangerlussuaq, GL, 07.06.1999-11.06.1999) [1999]
  20. Kodera JanNon-linear dynamics in IS-LM model , Proceedings of the International Conference Mathematical Methods in Economics, p. 59-64 , Eds: Plevný M., Friedrich V., University of West Bohemia, (Cheb 1999) , Mathematical Methods in Economics /16./, (Cheb, CZ, 08.09.1998-10.09.1998) [1999]
  21. Heřmanská J., Zimák J., Jirsa Ladislav, Kárný Miroslav, Vošmiková K., Němec J., Blažek T.Initial experience with software system JODNEW for evaluation biophysical characteristics related to treatment of carcinoma of thyroid gland by 131I , Proceedings of the 21st Radiation Hygiene Days, p. 82-86 , Eds: Cabaneková H., Ďurčik M., Nikodemová D., Nuclear Regulatory Authority, (Bratislava 1998) , Radiation Hygiene Days /21./, (Jasná pod Chopkom, SK, 23.11.1998-27.11.1998) [1998]
  22. Guy Tatiana ValentineSmoothing Noisy Data by Splines to Design of an Adaptive Controller, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1998) Research Report 1929 [1998]
  23. Böhm JosefMultivariable LQ controller optimization as an event driven process , Preprints of the 8th IFAC/IFORS/IMACS/IFIP Symposiumon Large Scale Systems: Theory and Applications, p. 852-856 , Eds: Koussoulas N. T., Groumpos P. P., University of Patras, (Rio Patras 1998) , LSS'98 /8./, (Rio Patras, GR, 15.07.1998-17.07.1998) [1998] Download
  24. Bobál V., Böhm Josef, Prokop R.Practical aspects of self-tuning controllers , Preprints of the IFAC Workshop on Adaptive Systems in Control and Signal Processing, p. 183-188, IFAC, (Glasgow 1998) , Adaptive Systems in Control and Signal Processing, (Glasgow, GB, 26.08.1998-28.08.1998) [1998]
  25. Michálek JiříConvex covariances and convex classes of operators , Prague Stochastics '98. Proceedings, p. 397-400 , Eds: Hušková M., Lachout P., Víšek J. Á., JČMF, (Praha 1998) , Prague Stochastics '98, (Praha, CZ, 23.08.1998-28.08.1998) [1998]
  26. Kadlec Jiří, Schier JanRapid prototyping of adaptive control algorithms on parallel multiprocessors , Signal Processing Symposium, p. 115-118, IEEE, (Leuven 1998) , SPS '98, (Leuven, BE, 26.03.1998-27.03.1998) [1998] Download
  27. Schier Jan, van Gemund A. J. C., Reijns G. L.Real-time signal processing for an obstacle warning radar , Signal Processing Symposium, p. 167-170, IEEE, (Leuven 1998) , SPS '98, (Leuven, BE, 26.03.1998-27.03.1998) [1998]
  28. Böhm JosefSmooth tuning of adaptive LQ controller from PID to LQ properties , Control and Management in Computer Integrated Systems, p. 15-21 , Eds: Simek K., Silesian Technical University, (Gliwice 1997) , Dycomans Workshop /4./, (Zakopane, PL, 25.09.1997-27.09.1997) [1997] Download
  29. Soukup LubomírProbability distribution of transformed random variables with application to nonlinear feature extraction , Proceedings of the 1st IAPR TC1 Workshop on Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition, p. 159-164 , Eds: Pudil P., Novovičová J., Grim J., ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1997) , STIPR '97 /1./, (Prague, CZ, 09.06.1997-11.06.1997) [1997]
  30. Soukup LubomírProbability distribution for exact nonlinear estimation , Measurement '97. Proceedings, p. 31-34 , Eds: Frollo I., Plačková A., Ústav merania SAV, (Bratislava 1997) , Measurement '97, (Smolenice, 97.05.29-97.05.31, ..19SK) [1997]
  31. Soukup LubomírInfluence of geometric transformations to the positional accuracy of maps , Proceedings of the 18th ICA/ACI International Cartographic Conference, p. 761-767 , Eds: Ottoson L., Swedish Cartographic Society, (Gävle 1997) , ICC '97 /18./, (Stockholm, SE, 23.06.1997-27.06.1997) [1997]
  32. Nedoma Petr, Kárný Miroslav, Böhm JosefABET: MATLAB toolbox for prior design of LQG adaptive controllers , Preprints of the 11th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, p. 91-93 , Eds: Sawaragi Y., Sagara S., IFAC, (Kitakyushu 1997) , SYSID '97, (Kitakyushu, JP, 08.07.1997-11.07.1997) [1997]
  33. Vajda Igor, Grim JiříAbout the maximum information and maximum likelihood principles in neural networks , Proceedings of the 1st IAPR TC1 Workshop on Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition, p. 189-197 , Eds: Pudil P., Novovičová J., Grim J., ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1997) , STIPR '97 /1./, (Prague, CZ, 09.06.1997-11.06.1997) [1997]
  34. Smid J., Volf PetrBayesian learning algorithm based on the MCMC method , Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, p. 164-167 , Eds: Hamza M. H., IASTED Acta Press, (Calgary 1997) , Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, (Banff, CA, 27.07.1997-01.08.1997) [1997]
  35. Smid J., Volf PetrAn incremental construction of a nonparametric regression model , International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, p. 466-472, AAAI Press, (Fort Lauderdale 1997) , AISTAT '97 /6./, (Fort Lauderdale, US, 04.01.1997-07.01.1997) [1997]
  36. Grim JiříMixture of experts architectures for neural networks as a special case of conditional expectation formula , Proceedings of the 1st IAPR TC1 Workshop on Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition, p. 55-60 , Eds: Pudil P., Novovičová J., Grim J., ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1997) , STIPR '97 /1./, (Prague, CZ, 09.06.1997-11.06.1997) [1997] Download
  37. Valečková Markéta, Kárný Miroslav, Thomas J.Estimation of radon dynamics in dwellings , Protection against Radon at Home and at Work, p. 267-270, ČVUT, (Praha 1997) , European Conference on Protection against Radon at Home and at Work, (Praha, CZ, 02.06.1997-06.06.1997) [1997]
  38. Volf PetrBayesovský odhad parametrů modelu metodami MCMC s aplikací na modelování regresních křivek , ROBUST '96. Sborník prací deváté letní školy JČMF, p. 273-283 , Eds: Antoch J., Dohnal G., JČMF, (Praha 1997) , ROBUST 1996. Letní škola JČMF /9./, (Lednice na Moravě, CZ, 02.09.1996-06.09.1996) [1997]
  39. Haindl Michal, Žid PavelA range image segmentation method , Czech Pattern Recognition Workshop '97. Proceedings, p. 69-76 , Eds: Pajdla T., Czech Pattern Recognition Society, (Praha 1997) , Czech Pattern Recognition Workshop '97, (Milovy, CZ, 17.02.1997-20.02.1997) [1997]
  40. Grim JiříMaximum-Likelihood Structuring of Probabilistic Neural Networks, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1997) Research Report 1894 [1997] Download
  41. Součková Miroslava, Ježek Jan, Preisler MartinAbstracts of the 2nd ERCIM Workshop: Systems and Control, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1996) , ERCIM Workshop on Systems and Control /2./, (Prague, CZ, 26.08.1996-27.08.1996) [1996]
  42. Pudil Pavel, Říhová Z.Potential of floating search methods for managing redundant information , IDIMT '96. 4th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks. Proceedings, p. 72-81 , Eds: Chroust G., Doucek P., R.Oldenbourg, (München 1996) , IDIMT '96, (Zadov, CZ, 16.10.1996-18.10.1996) [1996]
  43. Kaňková VlastaA note on contamination in stochastic programming - special cases , Kvantitatívne metódy v ekonomike. (Viackriteriálna optimalizácia 8), p. 91-97, Ekonomická univerzita, (Bratislava 1996) , Kvantitatívne metódy v ekonomike, (Bratislava, SK, 03.12.1996-04.12.1996) [1996]
  44. Sladký Karel, Vošvrda MiloslavRobust stability in Walrasian equilibrium model , Kvantitatívne metódy v ekonomike. (Viackriteriálna optimalizácia 8), p. 143-150, Ekonomická univerzita, (Bratislava 1996) , Kvantitatívne metódy v ekonomike, (Bratislava, SK, 03.12.1996-04.12.1996) [1996]
  45. Vajda Igor, Grim JiříAbout Optimality of Probabilistic Basic Function Neural Networks, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1996) Research Report 1887 [1996]
  46. Vošvrda MiloslavMulti-Market Disequilibrium Models, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1996) Research Report 1855 [1996]
  47. Fidler Jiří, Doležal JaroslavRealizace systému OPTIA v operačním systému IRIX, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1996) Research Report 1884 [1996]
  48. Antoch J., Hušková MarieTests and estimators for epidemic alternatives , Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Mathematical Statistics. PROBASTAT '94, p. 311-329 , Eds: Pázman A., Witkovský V., Mathematical Institute, (Bratislava 1996) Tatra Mountains. Mathematical Publications. vol.7 , PROBASTAT '94, (Smolenice, SK, 30.05.1994-03.06.1994) [1996]
  49. Šebek Michael, Pejchová Soňa, Henrion Didier, Kwakernaak H.Numerical methods for zeros and determinant of polynomial matrix , Proceedings of the 4th IEEE Mediterranean Symposium on New Directions in Control and Automation, p. 473-477, IEEE, (Chania 1996) , IEEE Mediterranean Symposium on New Directions in Control and Automation /4./, (Chania, GR, 10.06.1996-13.06.1996) [1996]
  50. Volf PetrO statistických metodách pro klasifikaci , Analýza dat '96, p. 84-92 , Eds: Kupka K., TriloByte, (Pardubice 1996) , Analýza dat '96, (Lázně Bohdaneč, CZ, 05.11.1996-08.11.1996) [1996]
  51. Grim JiříAn Alternative Design of Mixture of Experts Architectures for Neural Networks, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1996) Research Report 1883 [1996]
  52. Nedoma Petr, Kárný Miroslav, Böhm JosefDESIGNER: Preliminary tunning of adaptive controllers , Process Control. Proceedings, p. 225-228, University of Pardubice, (Pardubice 1996) , Scientific-technical Conference on Process Control /2./, (Horní Bečva, CZ, 03.06.1996-06.06.1996) [1996]
  53. Nedoma Petr, Kárný Miroslav, Böhm JosefProject DESIGNER , Adaptive and Predictive Control. Proceedings of the Spring School, p. 91-93, Oxford University, (Oxford 1996) , Spring School "Adaptive and Predictive Control", (Oxford, GB, 21.03.1996-22.03.1996) [1996]
  54. Fidler Jiří, Doležal JaroslavRealizace systému OPTIA v operačním systému WINDOWS, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1996) Research Report 1875 [1996]
  55. Fidler Jiří, Doležal JaroslavPoužití automatického derivování v systému OPTIA, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1996) Research Report 1867 [1996]
  56. Michálek JiříThe Rényi's Distances of Gaussian Measures, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1996) Research Report 1868 [1996]