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Journal Article

Nash equilibria in noncooperative predator-prey games

Ramos A. M., Roubíček Tomáš

: Applied Mathematics and Optimization vol.56, 2 (2007), p. 211-241

: CEZ:AV0Z10750506

: GA201/03/0934, GA ČR

: Reaction-diffusion system, Lotka-Voltera system, Nash equilibrium

(eng): A non-cooperative game governed by a distributed-parameter predator-prey system is considered, assuming that two players control initial conditions for predator and prey, respectively. Existence of a Nash equlibrium is shown under the condition that the desired population profiles and the environmental carrying capacity for the prey are sufficiently small. A conceptual approximation algorithm is proposed and analyzed. Finally, numerical simulations are performed, too.

(cze): Prace se zabývá rovnováhami J.Nashe v nespolupracujících hrách se soustavou dravec-kořist.

: BA