Conference Paper (international conference)
Low-cost mobile system for multispectral cultural heritage data acquisition
, , , , ,
: Digital Heritage International Congress, p. 73-79
: Digital Heritage 2013, (Marseille, FR, 28.10.2013-1.11.2013)
: GAP103/12/2211, GA ČR
: multispectral imaging, culture heritage
(eng): In the paper we propose an alternative approach to the multispectral data acquisition of the cultural heritage artifacts. The demonstrated solution is mobile, affordable, and consists only of commercial off-the-shelf products. It could be used for the data acquisition in-situ without limitations. It was designed for multispectral scanning of cultural heritage artifacts for their first analysis, for multimedia presentations dedicated to public, and, of course, for art conservation studies. The presented solution contains next to the hardware part as well the description of pre-analysis step - two alternative ways of the photometric calibration - to ensure the anticipated precision. The applicability of the framework was demonstrated on the case study, the preliminary spectral analysis. The proposed methodology is successfully used in the art restoration practice. Index Terms—Multispectral data acquisition, cultural heritage, photometric calibration.
: IN