Conference Paper (international conference)
Matlab Toolbox for high-level bit-exact emulation of HandelC VHDL FPGA designs
, , , ,
: Design, Automation and Test in Europe DATE˙02, p. 264 , Eds: Sciuto D., Kloos C. D.
: IEEE, (Los Alamitos 2002)
: Design, Automation and Test in Europe DATE˙02, (Paris, FR, 04.03.2002-08.03.2002)
: CEZ:AV0Z1075907
: LN00B096, GA MŠk, 33544, ESPRIT
: logarithmic arithmetic, matlab toolbox, FPGA cores
(eng): The university booth presents Matlab tolbox, which supports two possible solutions for floating-point-like ALUs, based on a 32-bit and 20-bit logarithmic arithmetic. Both Virtex FPGA cores are encapsulated in function-like API interface compatible with DK1 tool from Celoxica (Handel C).DSP designers can create optimized VLIW program flow with 32-bit or 20-bit FP-like data range and precision. Code can be source-code-debugged and compiled from high-level to the target Virtex FPGA.
: 09G, 09H
: JC