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Conference Paper (international conference)

Two Compound Random Field Texture Models

Haindl Michal, Havlíček Vojtěch

: Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications: 21st Iberoamerican Congress, CIARP 2016, p. 44-51 , Eds: Beltran-Castanon C., Nystrom I., Famili F.

: CIARP 2016 - 21st Iberoamerican Congress 2016, (Lima, PE, 20161108)

: GA14-10911S, GA ČR

: Texture, texture synthesis, compound random field model, CAR model, two-dimensional Bernoulli mixture, two-dimensional Gaussian mixture, bidirectional texture function

: 10.1007/978-3-319-52277-7_6

: http://library.utia.cas.cz/separaty/2017/RO/haindl-0471592.pdf

(eng): Two novel models for texture representation using parametric compound random field models are introduced. These models consist of a set of several sub-models each having different characteristics along with an underlying structure model which controls transitions between them. The structure model is a two-dimensional probabilistic mixture model either of the Bernoulli or Gaussian mixture type. Local textures are modeled using the fully multispectral three-dimensional causal auto-regressive models. Both presented compound random field models allow to reproduce, compress, edit, and enlarge a given measured color, multispectral, or bidirectional texture function (BTF) texture so that ideally both measured and synthetic textures are visually indiscernible.

: BD

: 10201