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ManyVal 2013

Date of event

ManyVal is a series of international workshops on the logical and algebraic aspects of many-valued reasoning. The aim of the workshops is to gather both established and young researchers sharing an interest for a specific topic. Accordingly, each edition has a sharp focus. The attendance is limited in order to facilitate close and informal interaction. There are no parallel sessions. Contributed talks are allocated ample time.

ManyVal'13 will focus on:

  • Game-theoretic semantics of many-valued logics
  • Algebraic semantics of many-valued logics
  • De Finetti-style theorems
  • Uncertainty of non-classical events

Steering Committee: Stefano Aguzzoli, Brunella Gerla, Vincenzo Marra.

Programme Committee: Tomáš Kroupa (chair), Stefano Aguzzoli, Christian Fermüller, Daniele Mundici.

Organising Committee: Petr Cintula (chair), Petra Ivaničová, Ondrej Majer, Carles Noguera.

Organized by: Institute of Computer Science, Institute of Information Theory and Automation, and Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic.

For more information, visit the conference website.

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