Short Bio
Radim Jiroušek is a student and follower of the distinguished scientist of Greek origin, RNDr. Albert Perez, DrSc. Jiroušek graduated from the MFF UK (1969) and received academic degrees from the Academy of Sciences: CSc. (1979) and DrSc. (1993). After completing postgraduate studies, he accepted Perez's offer and commenced a research career at the Institute of Information Theory and Automation (ÚTIA) of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. After 1998, he participated in forming the Department of Mathematical Decision Theory at ÚTIA, which he afterward led for more than five years. He also started teaching at the Czech Technical University in Prague and the University of Economics, Prague, and served in different academic positions for nearly twenty years at the latter. The international professional community knows Radim Jiroušek primarily for publications concerning the representation of multidimensional probability distributions and later for his theory of compositional models. He is the author or co-author of more than a hundred and fifty publications. His name is also connected with Workshops on Uncertainty Processing (famous WUPES), which have been organized since 1988. He also participated in the realization of several international projects. He was the local coordinator of three European projects within the fifth and sixth framework programs and the ESF EUROCORES project, The Logic of Causal and Probabilistic Reasoning in Uncertain Environments.
International grants awarded
- 2018 - 2019: MOST-18-04, The Czech Academy of Sciences, Compositional models for data mining
- 2008 - 2011: ICC/08/E010, EUROCORES - LogiCCC Logic of Causal and Probabilistic Reasoning under Uncertainty
- 2006 ± 2007: AKTION 45p16, Bilateral Austrian-Czech Grant Agency, Conditional Independence Models
- 2004 ± 2005: KONTAKT ± 2004/19, Bilateral Austrian-Czech Grant Agency, Perfect Sequences and their Application to Multidimensional Model Representation
- 1999 ± 2001: ERBIC15CT980315, European Community Grant Agency, Medical Guideline Technology
- 1999 ± 2001: KONTAKT ±1999-24, AKTION Bilateral Austrian-Czech Grant Agency, Psychological and Algorithmic Methods to Construct Bayesian Networks
- 1997 ± 1998: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Italy, Intelligent Systems - Research and Education
- 1995 ± 1996: AKTION - 7p3, Bilateral Austrian-Czech Grant Agency, Constructing Bayesian Networks from Incomplete Information
- 1994 ± 1996: CEC - CIPA3511CT930053, European Community Grant, Managing Uncertainty in Medicine
- 1991: CEC - CIPA3510CT920480, European Community Grant, Uncertainty Processing in Expert Systems
Supervised PhD thesis
- 2018 Lucie Váchová, Causal Bayesian networks: Modelling an Impact of Interventions in Economic Models;
Faculty of Management, University of Economics, Prague. - 2015 Simona Hašková, Managerial Calculations in Terms of Logic, Analytical Microeconomics and Other Theoretical Disciplines;
Faculty of Management, University of Economics, Prague. - 2012 Václav Kratochvíl, Probabilistic Compositional Models: solution of an equivalence problem.
Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University, Prague - 2011 Vladislav Bína, Multidimensional probabilistic distributions: Structure and learning.
Faculty of Management, University of Economics, Prague. - 2010 Jiří Přibil, Efektivní metody detekce plagiátů v rozsáhlých dokumentových skladech.
Faculty of Management, University of Economics, Prague. - 2009 Tomáš Kincl, Uživatelská spokojenost s webem: asymetrické vnímání atributů kvality webu.
Faculty of Management, University of Economics, Prague. - 2005 Tomáš Kroupa, States and Conditional Probability on MV-algebras.
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University, Prague - 2001 Tomáš Kočka Graphical Models: learning and applications;
Faculty of Informatics and Statistics, University of Economics, Prague. - 2001 Marta Vomlelová-Sochorová Decision-theoretic troubleshooting;
Faculty of Informatics and Statistics, University of Economics, Prague. - 2000 Jan Klaschka Mathematical methods for change of state evaluation in medical research (in Czech);
Mathematical-Physical Faculty, Charles University, Prague. - 2000 Jiří Vomlel Methods of probabilistic knowledge integration;
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University, Prague - 1990 Jiřina Vejnarová Expertní znalosti a pravděpodobnostní rozhodování; Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences.