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Práce přihlášené do Soutěže o nejlepší publikaci a aplikaci ÚTIA 2008

(v abecedním pořadí podle prvního autora)

KATEGORIE: Publikace všeobecné

[1] Babak Mahdian, Saic S.: Blind Authentication Using Periodic Properties of Interpolation“. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Vol. 3, 3 (2008), pp. 529-538.

[2] Belda K., Píša P.: Homing. Calibration and Model-Based Predictive Control for Planar Parallel Robots. Proceedings of UKACC International Conference on Control 2008. (CD ROM). UKACC 2008, University of Manchester, United Kingdom, pp. 1-6.

[3] Boldyš, J., Flusser, J.: Extension of Moment Features‘ Invariance to Blur. J. Math Imaging Vis (2008), 32; 227-238.

[4] Butnariu, D., Kroupa, T.: Shapley mappings and the cumulative value for n-person games with fuzzy coalitions. European Journal of Operational Research 186 (2008), 288-299.

[5] Filip J., Haindl M.: BTF modelling using BRDF texels. International Journal of Computer Mathematics. Vol. 84, 9 (2007), 1267-1283.

[6] Fischer S., Šroubek F., Perrinet L., Redondo R., Cristóbal G.: Self-Invertible 2D Log-Gabor Wavelets. Int. Journal of Computer Vision 75(2), 231-246, 2007

[7] Grim J., Hora J.: Iterative principles of recognition in probabilistic neural networks. Neural Networks 21 (2008), 838-846.

[8] Hofman R., Pecha P.: Data assimilation of model predictions of long-time evolution of CS-137 deposition on terrain. Prace byla publikovana na konferenci IEEE IGARSS 2008 konane 6.-11. 7. 2008 v Bostonu, USA.

[9] Horáček O., Kamenický J., Flusser J.: Recognition of partially occluded and deformed binary objects. Pattern Recognition Letters 29 (2008), 360-369.

[10] Ioffe A. D., Outrata J. V.: On Metric and Calmness Qualification Conditions in Subdifferential Calculus. Set-Valued Anal (2008), 16: 199-227

[11] Kalamajska, A., Kružík, M.: Oscilations and concentrations in sequences of gradients. ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, Vol. 14, 1 (2008), pp. 71-104.

[12] Sun Rongfeng, Swart J. M.: The Brownian net. The Annals of Probability 3(2008) 1153-1208.

[13] Šmídl V., Quinn A.: Variational Bayesian filtering. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing

[14] Šorel M., Flusser J.: Space-Variant Restoration of Images Degraded by Camera Motion Blur. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 17, No. 2, 2008.

[15] Tichavský P., Koldovský Z., Yeredor A., Gómez-Herrero G., Doron E.: A Hybrid Technique for Blind Separation of Non-Gaussian and Time-Correlated Sources Using a Multicomponent Approach. IEEE Transaction on Neural Networks, manuscript TNN07-P1408.

KATEGORIE: Publikace v časopise Kybernetika

[1] Bakule L., Rossell J. M.: Overlapping Controllers for Uncertain Delay Continuous-time Systems. Vol. 44 (2008), Nr. 1, pp. 17-34.

[2] Šindelář J., Vajda I., Kárný M.: Stochastic Control Optimal in the Kullback Sense. Vol. 44 (2008), Nr. 1, pp. 53-60.


[1] Coleman J. N., Softley Ch. I., Kadlec J., Matoušek R., Tichý M., Pohl Z., Heřmánek A., Benschop N. F.: The European Logarithmic Microprocessor. IEEE Trans. on Computers, Vol. 57, No. 4, 2008

[2] Kvasnička M., Heřmánek A., Kuneš M.: Akcelerátor výpočtu věrohodnostní funkce pro systémy pasivní radiolokace. Funkční vzorek. Technická zpráva ÚTIA

[3] Pohl Z., Tichý M., Kadlec J.: Implementation of the Least-Squares Lattice with Order and Forgetting Factor Estimation for FPGA. Hindawi Publishing Corporation, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2008, 11 pages

[4] Šroubek F.: Blind Super-Resolution Toolbox BSR, version 1.2 for Matlab 7.x. Toolbox download, User's Manual, Comments

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