Kategorie: všeobecná
1. cena:
Benešová B., Kružík M.: Weak Lower Semicontinuity of Integral Functionals and Applications , SIAM Review vol.59, 4 (2017), p. 703-766.
2. cena:
Adam Lukáš, Henrion R., Outrata Jiří: On M-stationarity conditions in MPECs and the associated qualification conditions, Mathematical Programming vol.168, p. 229-259.
3. cena:
Kárný Miroslav, Herzallah R.: Scalable Harmonization of Complex Networks With Local Adaptive Controllers , IEEE Transactions on Systems Man Cybernetics-Systems vol.47, 3 (2017), p. 394-404.
Kotera Jan, Šmídl Václav, Šroubek Filip: Blind Deconvolution With Model Discrepancies , IEEE Transactions on Image Processing vol.26, 5 (2017), p. 2533-2544.
Kategorie: Cena pro mladé autory:
Dolinský Kamil, Čelikovský Sergej: Application of the Method of Maximum Likelihood to Identification of Bipedal Walking Robots , IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology vol.26, 4 (2018), p. 1500-1507 [2018].
Kategorie: Aplikace:
Tichý Ondřej, Šmídl Václav, Hofman Radek, Šindelářová Kateřina, Hýža M., Stohl A.: Bayesian inverse modeling and source location of an unintended 131I release in Europe in the fall of 2011, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics vol.17, 20 (2017), p. 12677-12696.