Institute of Information Theory and Automation

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Seminar Kalman filtering with unknown covariance matrices

The seminar will be held on Monday 10.10.2022 at 11:00 in the AS-meeting room 474. The speaker will be Kamil Dedecius.

2022-09-29 08:08

Vyhlášení konkurzu na vedoucí vědeckých oddělení

Ředitelka Ústavu teorie informace a automatizace AV ČR, v.v.i. vyhlašuje
výběrové řízení na místa vedoucích vědeckých oddělení pro funkční období od 1.1.2023 do 31.12.2027:

2022-09-12 15:12

Seminar Applications of Modeling and Optimization: Mapping Out the Opportunity Space

The speaker will be Rudolf Kulhavý, seminar will be held on Thursday 28. 7. 2022 at 13:00 in the AS-meeting room 474.

The world of practical applications of modeling and optimization is rich, colorful, and hard to overlook. The seminar will attempt to yield more insight by structuring the space of opportunities around three dimensions of every economic activity, namely Product (design) Process (improvement) Customer (management) A range of real-life applications in multiple industries will be used to illustrate the classification.

2022-09-13 14:43

Seminar Discounted Fully Probabilistic Design of Decision Strategy

The seminar is postponed.

The speaker will be Soňa Molnárová, the seminar will be held xxx in the AS-meeting room 474.

2022-11-25 09:29

Petr Nedoma

20.7.2022 po těžké nemoci odešel pan Petr Nedoma.

Byl to velice přátelský a dobrý člověk, spolehlivý kolega a věrný kamarád.

Vzpomínáme na něj..

2022-07-26 17:45

Two-year postdoctoral positions in ÚTIA

The Institute of Information Theory and Automation (UTIA), Czech Academy of Sciences ( invites applications for two-year postdoctoral positions in the institute beginning in January 2023 with possibility to move to the tenure track in the Institute. Candidates are expected to work in one of these areas:

2022-07-01 09:55

Annual workshop on Stochastics Informatics and Decision Making (Alšovice 2022)

Workshop on Stochastics Informatics and Decision Making  - well known as Alšovice according to the traditional venue of many of the first meetings - is an annual workshop organized by members of the department of Stochastic Informatics of the Institute of Information Theory and Automation of the Czech Academy of Sciences.

2022-06-23 12:57

Silvia Carpitella won the prestigious award of the Czech Academy of Sciences: Otto Wichterle Award for 2022

Twenty-five prominent young scientists have received the prestigious award of the Czech Academy: the Otto Wichterle Prize for 2022. The ceremony took place in Lanna's Villa in Prague on Monday, June 20, 2022. Eva Zažímalová, President of the Czech Academy of Sciences, presented the prizes to the laureates.

2022-06-22 16:05

Veletrh vědy 2022

2.—4. 6. 2022

Oddělení Zpracování obrazové informace a odděnení Zpracování signálu mají na Veletrhu vědy svůj stánek, do kterého jsou zváni kromě široké veřejnosti i všichni zaměstnanci ÚTIA i s jejich rodinami.

2022-06-03 23:25

Workshop on Perception of Material Appearance 2022

The department of Pattern Recognition organizes half-day Workshop on Perception of Material Appearance.

The workshop will be held at UTIA, in room 473, on Tuesday, June 14, 2022, starting at 9:00.


2022-05-31 14:22


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