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Welcome to UTIA

The Institute of Information Theory and Automation (UTIA) is a public non-university research institution which administratively falls under the Czech Academy of Sciences. UTIA conducts fundamental and applied research in computer science, signal and image processing, pattern recognition, system science, and control theory. In addition to its research activities, UTIA is engaged in undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate education. It also publishes the journal Kybernetika and acts as a certified forensic expert institution. UTIA consists of eight scientific departments, computer centre, library, facility maintenance department and business administration department. UTIA is managed by the Director and the Board.

Pod Vodárenskou věží 4
CZ-182 00, Prague 8
Czech Republic

more info: here
phone:+420 286890298
email: utia (a)


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Dovolujeme si pozvat zájemce na konferenci: Matematika a informatika v praxi: možnosti a realita
Konference je pořádána v rámci programu: Naděje a hrozby digitálního věku.
J. Flusser pořadatel konference
Ondřej Tichý z oddělení Adaptivních Systémů úspěšně obhájil svoji disertační práci na téma "Bayesian Blind Source Separation in Dynamic Medical Imaging". Gratulujeme!
Ondřej Tichý from Adaptive Systems has successfully defended his PhD thesis "Bayesian Blind Source Separation in Dynamic Medical Imaging". Congratulation!
Institute of Energy Economics, Faculty of Finance and Accounting, University of Economics in Prague awarded work of Jozef Baruník and Barbora Malínská "Forecasting the term structure of crude oil futures with neural networks" forthcoming in the Applied Energy Journal with a "Best research paper in Energy Economics 2015" prize.
Zuzana Bílková, Ph.D. student in the Dept. of Image Processing (ZOI), received the first price in the Cisco Outstanding Thesis Award 2015 competition for her thesis "Segmentation of microscopic images using level set methods" (MFF UK). The supervisor was RNDr. Václav Kučera, Ph.D., MFF UK. The expert consultant of the thesis was Jindřich Soukup, Ph.D. student in the Dept. of Image Processing (ZOI).
Dny otevřených dveří

Místo konání: Pod Vodárenskou věží 4, Praha 8
Datum a doba otevření: 5. a 6. listopadu, 10 - 15 hod.
Kontakt: Dr. Ing. Lubomír Soukup, tel.: 266 052 551, e-mail:

Dne 2.11.2015 byly oceněným výhercům soutěže o nejlepší publikaci slavnostně uděleny diplomy za jejich práci. Podrobnosti zde.
Dr. Filip Šroubek, Res.Prof. received the scientific title "Research Professor in Physico-Mathematical Sciences" from the President of the Czech Academy of Sciences on October 14, 2015.

A series of Workshops on Uncertainty Processing (WUPES) has been held in the Czech Republic every third year since 1988. Proceedings from several previous workshops can be found on their websites ( WUPES'12, WUPES'09, and WUPES'06). Like the previous meetings the forthcoming Workshop will foster creative intellectual activities and the exchange of ideas in an informal atmosphere.

On June 16, 2015, the Czech Technical University awarded Prof. Jan Flusser the Felber Medal for his outstanding achievements in research and teaching.