Date of event
The Winter School of the Department of Decision-Making Theory is a popular meeting of students and researchers from the department and collaborating researchers from several Czech institutions as well as guests from abroad. This year, it is organized by M. Studený, J.Vomlel, and J.Outrata. The scientific program covers the research interests of the department MTR UTIA and of our invited guests. It takes place at the UTIA's chalet.
Useful information
- Date: March 4 - March 13, 2022.
- Registration: Via email to Jirka Vomlel. Please specify how long you want to stay, the title of your talk and its preferred length.
- Location: The workshop takes place at Máriánská (near Jáchymov) in the Czech Republic. The venue is at about 20 km distance from Karlovy Vary (Karlsbad) or and at about 70 km from Chemnitz in Germany (see the map below).
- Presentation: Each participant is invited to give a presentation in a duration of approximately 50 minutes.
- Accommodation: Accommodation is provided in the chalet with shared kitchens and toilet facilities, please, note that it is not a hotel. Internet is provided via Eduroam. Please, bring your own slippers.
- Catering: No catering is provided by the organizers. You can prepare your own breakfast in the chalet's kitchens - do not forget to bring your food. We plan to have joint dinners in a nearby restaurant.
- Milan Studený: About rank tests and combinatorial descriptions of faces of the cone of supermodular functions
- Martin Šmíd: Correlation and causality - implications for optimal decision making
- Václav Kratochvíl: Various divergences on belief function
- Stefan Krömer: Injective elastic deformations via surface penalty terms
- Jirka Vomlel: Modeling the spread of loanwords in South-East Asia using sailing navigation software and Bayesian networks
- Marián Fabian: Clarke Jacobians, Boulingand Jacobians, and compact connected sets of matrices
- Paolo Gidoni: Assymptotic stabilization and (an attempt of) optimal control for a bio-inspired locomotion model
- Jiřina Vejnarová: On the role of compositional models in the framework of imprecise probabilities
- Veronika Lipovská: Multistage Oligopoly respecting the cost of change
- Lukáš Adam: Machine learning in animal re-identification
- Jan Valdman: Fast Matlab evaluation of nonlinear energies using the Finite element method
- Jiří Outrata: On the application of the theory of SCD mappings in stability analysis
- Helmut Gfrerer: On the SCD semismooth* Nrwton method