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Journal Article

National Gallery in Prague

Mikeš Stanislav, Haindl Michal, Holub Radek

: ERCIM News vol.2011, 86 (2011), p. 23-24

: CEZ:AV0Z10750506

: LG11009, GA MŠk

: virtrual reality, information system

: gallery in prague.pdf

(eng): Scientists at Institute of Information Theory and Automation (UTIA), Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic have developed a detailed virtual model of the Department of Modern Art of the National Gallery in Prague. This impressive seven-storey building holds the gallery’s collection of contemporary images, drawings and statues as well as several temporary exhibitions. This virtual model serves as a comprehensive 3D information system with navigation support for visitors and as an interactive tool for exhibition designers and curators. Within the comfort of their own home, visitors can experience an animated online thematic visit to their selected works of art and also print a map with a proposed personalized route.

: BD